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Story Box-ID: 787822

BHKW-Infozentrum GbR Rauentaler Straße 22/1 76437 Rastatt, Deutschland https://www.bhkw-infozentrum.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Markus Gailfuß +49 7222 9686730

Primary energy savings in cogeneration plants is recalculated

New efficiency reference values for high-efficiency criteria and the adaptation of certain correction factors for high efficiency Proof have led to changes in primary energy savings of CHP plants compared to uncoupled systems.

(PresseBox) (Rastatt, )
Since 1 January 2016 new harmonized efficiency reference values for the separate production of electricity and heat will have to be set from January 1rst 2016 to demonstrate their high efficiency.

Largely unnoticed by the public, the European Union (EU) decided that the EU Regulation 2015/2402 should be in effect from the 12th October 2015. The delegated regulation is applicable since 1 January 2016 and is binding in all parts and directly and immediately valid in all Member States and has an impact on the calculation of high efficiency verification.

The news section of the BHKW-Infozentrum informs in detail in the report "New efficiency reference values for high-efficiency criteria “in which cases high efficiency verification is required, what specific changes have to be made and what impact this has. (https://www.bhkw-infozentrum.de/...)

The delegated regulation is available as download in German, English and Spanish on the BHKW-Infozentrum site.

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New efficiency reference values for high-efficiency criteria

BHKW-Infozentrum GbR

Since 1999 the BHKW-Infozentrum (https://www.bhkw-infozentrum.de) has been providing information about new technologies in the field of alternative and renewable energy production by cogeneration (CHP) free of charge on numerous websites and in professional journals. In addition, any changes in the legal framework for co-generation plants and the equipment of combined heat and power systems (CHP) is be explained (http://www.cogeneration.de).
On October 15, 2015, the redesigned BHKW-Infozentrum site went online.
From summer 2016 an interactive CHP database with comfortable search function will be available online on the BHKW-Beispiele.de page (http://www.bhkw-beispiele.de).
In addition, anyone interested can pick out the technical data, the investment costs of each power output size using the CHP characteristics Tool 2016 (http://www.bhkw-kenndaten.de) from a database of approximately 1,300 CHP registered modules.
Almost weekly the currently largest internet CHP Newsletter informs more than 11,000 subscribers for free on the to date largest internet based CHP Newsletter (www.bhkw-Infozentrum.de/...).
In the social media area the experts of the BHKW-Infozentrum post news regularly on Facebook (www.facebook.com/... ), on Twitter (www.twitter.com/...) and in the XING group "CHP - energy supply of the future” (https://www.xing.com/...).

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