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AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH Messezentrum 1 90471 Nürnberg, Deutschland http://www.afag.de/
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Winfried Forster +49 821 58982143
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AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH

GrindTec 2020: The major meeting of the grinding technology industry starts on 10 November

The world's leading trade fair for grinding technology, GrindTec 2020, will begin on 10 November at the Augsburg Exhibition Centre.

(PresseBox) (Augsburg, )
The leading suppliers in the sector will be present. The event ill thus offer the important and necessary platform to the metalworking industry that many have been longing for.

German economy is beginning to recover after the lock down. This is also indicated by the ifo Business Climate Index, which rose to 92.6 points again in August 2020, compared to 90.4 points (seasonally adjusted) in July. The mood among German companies is on the upswing, and their assessment of the coming months looks much more optimistic than it did a few weeks ago. Good conditions for GrindTec 2020.

Industry relies on stimulating impulses from Grindtec 2020

When GrindTec 2020 opens its doors on 10 November, it will not "only" be the start of the world's leading trade fair for grinding technology - it will above all be a symbol of the return to normality. For this very reason, the attention of all those attending is likely to be particularly high. At the same time, many are also expecting the first impulses for a revival in sales. In fact, the GrindTec has proved time and again in the past that as a leading trade fair it can also act as a motor for grinding technology. The sector, which is moving closer together again at the GrindTec 2020, is also counting on this effect.

GrindTec 2020: Finally experience grinding technology trends live

On an area of around 50,000m2, close to 600 exhibitors - including the leading manufacturers - will present a comprehensive range of products with numerous innovations. The GrindTec-Campus offers a glimpse of the future: here renowned research institutes and universities will present the latest state of research and development.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Saxler, Managing Director of the FDPW, provides a preview of the range of products and services to be presented at GrindTec 2020:
"As the leading trade fair for new technologies in the field of grinding, honing, lapping and polishing, the coming GrindTec will bring the sector together again after a long time. In the direct dialogue between visitors and manufacturers, new perspectives for tool grinding will open up, which can lead the companies out of the crisis.
Impulses are provided by highly functional solutions and further developments such as
  • hybrid grinding machine concepts that also integrate other manufacturing technologies
  • additive manufactured flow-optimized cooling lubricant nozzles
  • direct drives in the grinding machine axes to improve dynamic stiffness and accuracy and to increase performance
  • new 5-axis machine concepts for tool grinding
  • Laser processing possibilities of diamond tools or diamond-coated tools.
The Coronakrise has clearly shown not only to the tool grinding industry that digitization, networking and automation are indispensable. Many new business models are currently being created that have enormous economic potential. Creating added value in production technology at the same time in different places in the world is only possible with a modern network economy. The manufacturers of machines and peripheral systems, of process and tool technology have developed answers to these questions, which they will present live on site".

For further information www.grindtec.de 
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