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Story Box-ID: 1121847

Busch Vacuum Solutions Schauinslandstraße 1 79689 Maulburg, Deutschland http://www.buschvacuum.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Sabrina Heinecke +49 7622 6811066
Logo der Firma Busch Vacuum Solutions
Busch Vacuum Solutions

Cooperation with University in Korea

(PresseBox) (Maulburg, )
It was founded 624 years ago: the traditional Sungkyungkwan University, where students have been educated according to Confucian teachings. To this day, it is one of the best universities in the country. Now it has entered into a cooperation with Busch Vacuum Solutions.

“I strongly believe that our sponsorship of SKKU is an investment in the future of our company,” said Yun-jin Choi, General Manager of Busch Korea, at the cooperation event. Sami Busch spoke about the importance of the university as well as the purpose of the cooperation and the expectations associated with it. He presented the university with KRW 20,000,000.00 (South Korean Won, around 15,000 Euro) on behalf of the Busch family for the College of Engineering: “In this way, we want to promote the win-win development for both, the university and our company.” In return, the university representatives handed him a plaque as a sign of mutual trust and their commitment to cooperation.

Sungkyungkwan University has contributed greatly to the development of Korean industry and economy to this day. After graduation, many of its students hold important positions in various industries, including semiconductor, biotechnology, construction, and automotive. Through the cooperation, Busch hopes to open up new markets in Korea in the medium and long term.

The cooperation agreement includes that Busch imparts practical knowledge about vacuum technology in a vacuum seminar, provides lecture material and helps the university set up a vacuum system. In return, the College of Engineering offers its students vacuum-related courses for a variety of applications and markets.

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