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Story Box-ID: 1172017

Busch Vacuum Solutions Schauinslandstraße 1 79689 Maulburg, Deutschland http://www.buschvacuum.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Florian Held
Logo der Firma Busch Vacuum Solutions
Busch Vacuum Solutions

Employer with the Best Career Opportunities

Busch Vacuum Solutions is one of “Germany’s employers with the best career opportunities.” This is the result of a study conducted by the business and politics magazine €URO in collaboration with the rating and ranking agency ServiceValue.

(PresseBox) (Maulburg, )
Busch is among the employers offering “top career opportunities” in Germany. This is reported in the July issue of €URO magazine. The article “Die Chef-Chance” presents a study that analyzed which companies in Germany offer particularly good career opportunities. The study considered 3,866 companies. A total of 562 of them received the distinction “Top Career Opportunities.”

“At Busch, anyone who wants to can make a difference, to the company and to their own career. Because we place great emphasis on individual responsibility. This leads to job satisfaction, motivates employees, and helps them advance in their careers,” says Milena Hesse, Head of Human Resources at Busch Germany.

The survey is based on a poll of around 493,000 citizens. The respondents rated to what extent a particular company offers its employees optimal career prospects, based on their first or second-hand experience.

Busch Vacuum Solutions

Busch Vacuum Solutions is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of vacuum pumps, vacuum systems, blowers and compressors.

The extensive product portfolio includes solutions for vacuum and overpressure applications in all industries, such as chemicals, plastics, semiconductors, medical technology and food. This also includes the design and construction of tailor-made vacuum systems and a worldwide service network.

The Busch Group is a family business that is managed by the Busch family. More than 3,800 employees in more than 69 companies in over 45 countries worldwide work for Busch Vacuum Solutions. Busch is headquartered in Maulburg, Baden-Württemberg, in the border triangle of Germany – France – Switzerland. Apart from Maulburg, Busch manufactures in its own production plants in Switzerland, the USA, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, South Korea, India and China.

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