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Story Box-ID: 1086049

CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH Ostenfeldmark 16 59557 Lippstadt, Deutschland http://www.conec.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Katja Schade +49 2941 765350

*Update* SPS smart production solutions

CONEC & Amphenol Tuchel Industrial will not attend the exhibition SPS in Nuremberg!

(PresseBox) (Lippstadt, )
We were also very pleased to finally maintain personal contacts at the SPS and to launch new exciting projects.

Together we (CONEC & Amphenol Tuchel Industrial) had designed a great booth and wanted to present our new strength under the umbrella of the Amphenol Group:

Unfortunately, the Corona situation caught up with us. The number of infections is increasing in areas we never thought possible.

In Bavaria the situation is particularly bad and the responsible authorities advise against such major events.

For this reason, even if it is difficult for us, we have decided to cancel participation in this exhibition.

The health of our employees and visitors is our top priority.

Of course we still want to keep you informed about our new products:

CONEC Product News 2022


From November 22nd the Product News 2022 (Part No. 790-704880) are also available as a print version on stock.

Amphenol Tuchel Industrial News SPS 2021


If you have any questions please contact your responsible customer service or distributor.


Stay healthy!

Best regards from your teams at Amphenol Tuchel Industrial & CONEC

CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH

For more than 40 years, CONEC Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH has been developing, producing and marketing high-quality connectors, patch cable and single ended cable as well as enclosure technology.
CONEC products are used in automation, telecommunications and energy technology, machine manufacturing, agriculture and medical technology, transportation and the aviation industry.

The headquarters in Lippstadt has a large research and development department, its own tool-making department, a CNC-turning department and a synthetics injection moulding plant.

As part of the Amphenol Group, CONEC participates in the growth and development opportunities of a globally active group and at the same time acts flexibly and quickly as a medium-sized company in order to optimally adapt to changing customer needs.

In addition to a variety of connectors for all current standards, our particular strength is the integrated moulding of components and assemblies and the development of customized solutions.

CONEC is a global player with its own subsidiaries and/or production sites in Canada, the USA, China, the Czech Reblublic, Poland and Slovakia.

The product portfolio includes connectors of the following categories:

• D-SUB/IP67 D-SUB Connectors
• IP67 RJ45 / USB / Mini USB / Fiber Optic LC Duplex
• CONEC Hybrid Connectors
• Connectors for agricultural and construction machines
• Circular Connectors
• PCB Connectors
• Customer specific solutions

The company’s quality management ensures high quality by applying the international standards DIN EN ISO 9001. Depending on the product family, CONEC industrial connectors are tested and approved in accordance with UL, CSA or VDE.

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