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Story Box-ID: 1036016

FORTEC Integrated GmbH Augsburger Str. 2b 82110 Germering, Deutschland http://www.distec.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Mandy Ahlendorf +49 8151 9739098

For industrial use: Distec adds KOE TFT displays to its product range

Robust TFT displays from Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics offer high quality and long availability for harsh industrial environments

(PresseBox) (Germering (Germany), )
Distec GmbH - one of the leading German specialists for TFT flat screens and system solutions for industrial and multimedia applications – is expanding its product range with robust, industrial TFT displays from Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics (KOE), a Japan Display Inc. (JDI Group) company. "The wide range of high quality TFT displays perfectly complements our portfolio for demanding industrial environments", said Leonhard Spiegl, Product Manager Components at Distec, explaining the distribution agreement. "The long availability meets our demand for highest customer satisfaction and quality". KOE has taken over the design, development and production of the small and medium-sized TFT displays from renowned display pioneer Hitachi in 2012. Distec starts with displays in sizes from 7 to 12.3 inches (17.78 to 31.242 cm). The extremely robust displays are particularly suitable for use in challenging environments such as automation, industry 4.0, digital signage, public transport, agriculture and construction.

Reliable industrial quality

The TFT displays of the KOE Rugged+ series are resistant to vibration and shock. The extremely wide operating temperature range of -40 to +85°C allows the displays to be operated without problems even in very cold or hot conditions. The displays also offer high brightness and wide viewing angle with IPS technology for perfect readability in bright ambient light and when viewed from the sides.

Distec has a selection of KOE TFT displays in stock to serve customer projects quickly and comprehensively. The entire KOE product range is available on request and customized system integrations are also possible.

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FORTEC Integrated GmbH

Distec GmbH is a company of the FORTEC Group, a globally operating and recognized specialist in the field of display technology and embedded computing for projects in all industries. The company, based in Germering near Munich with a plant in Hörselberg-Hainich close to Eisenach, develops, produces and markets innovative solutions and a wide range of components, TFT displays, embedded boards, systems and services. The innovative solutions from assemblies and kits to OEM products are based on hardware and software developed by Distec in its own design centre in Germering. Distec's range of services includes customized developments and adaptations, product refinements - e.g. the VacuBond® optical bonding - and assembly of monitor systems as well as the manufacture of finished products. A wide range of touch screens and the internal Touch Competence Centre enable individual touch solutions even for difficult environmental conditions. In addition, Distec GmbH has access to products, services and know-how of the large FORTEC high-tech company network. Further information can be found under https://www.distec.de/en/

Distec’s products are available at:
Europe: Distec GmbH, Germering, https://www.distec.de/en/
UK and Benelux: Display Technology, Huntingdon, https://www.displaytechnology.co.uk
North America: Apollo Display Technologies, Ronkonkoma NY, http://www.apollodisplays.com/...

Videos are available in Distec's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/...

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