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Story Box-ID: 915982

ECOVIS AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10 10587 Berlin, Deutschland http://www.ecovis.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Gudrun Bergdolt +49 89 5898266
Logo der Firma ECOVIS AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
ECOVIS AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft

Acquisition of new clients

(PresseBox) (Berlin, )
Ecovis Costa Rica has many successful clients. The fact that Ecovis is an international firm has helped us with the acquisition of one of our clients, PTI.


PTI was founded in 2013. Its mission was to own and operate high quality wireless infrastructure sites in stable markets experiencing strong wireless usage growth around the world. PTI is currently focused on expansion of infrastructure throughout Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States.


PTI initially contracted us to convert the financial statements of their company in Colombia from IFRS to US GAAP. They appreciated Ecovis’ work ethic and consequently appointed us to handle their tax services in Costa Rica. In the meantime the company’s CEO and tax officer has confirmed that he intends to sign a contract with us for services in all their other locations.

Ecovis Costa Rica offers them a dedicated service supervised by its accounting and tax partner. Our client was impressed with Ecovis’ prompt responses to their requests. The PTI account was formerly handled by a renowned multinational professional services firm. Having compared our services with theirs, our client decided to award Ecovis with their account.


Ecovis is handling PTI’s tax matters in Costa Rica, and will be expanding its range of services to PTI both in Costa Rica and to all their other locations.


Alberto Porras Rojas, Partner, ECOVIS GCF Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica

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ECOVIS AG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft

Ecovis is a leading global consulting firm with its origins in Continental Europe. It has over 5,000 people operating in over 60 countries. Its consulting focus and core competencies lie in the areas of tax consultation, accounting, auditing and legal advice.

The particular strength of Ecovis is the combination of personal advice at a local level with the general expertise of an international and interdisciplinary network of professionals. Every Ecovis office can rely on qualified specialists in the back offices as well as on the specific industrial or national know-how of all the Ecovis experts worldwide. This diversified expertise provides clients with effective support, especially in the fields of international transactions and investments - from preparation in the client's home country to support in the target country.

In its consulting work Ecovis concentrates mainly on mid-sized firms. Both nationally and internationally, its one-stop-shop concept ensures all-round support in legal, fiscal, managerial and administrative issues.

The name Ecovis, a combination of the terms economy and vision, expresses both its international character and its focus on the future and growth.


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