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Story Box-ID: 1037527

Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG Katzbergstr. 1 40764 Langenfeld, Deutschland http://www.emerson.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Ronai Ayhan +49 511 2136862

Emerson's Joystick System Simplifies Marine Vessel Maneuvers

AVENTICS™ Marex 3D provides intuitive control, dynamic positioning and easy installation

(PresseBox) (Wessling bei München, )
The AVENTICS Marex 3D provides intuitive control, dynamic positioning and easy installation. Emerson has modified its AVENTICS Marex 3D Joystick system for easy integration into existing vessels. Designed to enable single-handed operation of yachts, speedboats and pleasure craft, the joystick system provides the user with outstanding precision, for stress-free and safe maneuvers. Optional dynamic positioning features round off the convenience package.

Docking vessels can be challenging, even for experienced skippers. In narrow spaces, the steering wheel, main and auxiliary drives must be operated at the same time while the ship is drifting off with wind and current. Marex 3D allows for performing such maneuvers via one control element only - the Marex 3D Joystick - and steering the vessel intuitively and precisely. The captain can give the maneuver his full attention while Marex 3D takes control of the drives - a plus in safety. An integrated vector control intelligently manages engines and thrusters to ensure the vessel imitates the movement of the joystick exactly. The heading can be kept by implementing the yaw angle into the calculation.

As an option, more comfort functions can be selected at the push of a button: "3D Hold'" keeps the ship at a defined spot, removing the need to steer manually while waiting at water gates or narrow port entries. Marex 3D intelligently controls the available drives in order to keep the ship's heading and position. The virtual anchor mode allows the ship to drift around a defined point as if attached to an invisible anchor chain. The main engines will be operated economically in order to minimize fuel consumption and noise.

Marex 3D is a supplement to the AVENTICS ship controls Marex OS and Marex ECS by Emerson. It is suitable for use with most engines and thruster brands in conventional shaft line, fixed-pitch propeller applications in combination with ON/OFF and proportional thrusters. Marex 3D Joysticks can easily be retrofitted as the wiring effort is low if a Marex OS system is already on board. Compared to other offerings, the single-source solution of remote control and joystick system combined reduces installation and start-up time.

"With the easy-to-use Marex 3D, maneuvering is very simple," explained Norbert Volkmer, director of global business development, marine at Emerson's Automation Solutions business. "Whether integrating into a new design or retrofitting to an existing vessel, the Marex 3D is quick and easy to install and provides vessel designers and owners a simple way of enhancing operational convenience and safety."

Further information about the AVENTICS range of marine solutions can be found at the recreational marine web page.

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Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG

Emerson (NYSE: EMR), headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global technology and engineering company providing innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and residential markets. Our Emerson Automation Solutions business helps process, hybrid, and discrete manufacturers maximize production, protect personnel and the environment while optimizing their energy and operating costs. Our Emerson Commercial and Residential Solutions business helps ensure human comfort and health, protect food quality and safety, advance energy efficiency, and create sustainable infrastructure. For more information visit Emerson.com.

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