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Story Box-ID: 1195005

Farasis Energy 21363 Cabot Blvd Hayward CA 94545, Vereinigte Staaten https://en.farasis.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Ilona Arnold +49 7022 7894484
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Farasis Energy

Farasis Energy Europe celebrates 5 years of leading innovation in battery technology

The European subsidiary of Farasis Energy is celebrating its 5th anniversary. Since its foundation in 2019, the company has established itself as a key player in the development and production of battery solutions for electric vehicles.

(PresseBox) (Nuertingen, )
Farasis Energy founded its European subsidiary in 2019 to create new synergies locally through its proximity to strategic partner Mercedes-Benz and to be able to serve the European market accordingly.

The Farasis Energy Europe team now comprises more than 140 employees from 18 nations and focuses on the research and development of high-performance battery technology and pouch cells. With millions of euros of investment, significant progress has been made in recent years, particularly in the pre-development of battery design with big data, simulation and virtual concepts.

The company is now celebrating its 5th anniversary, which has been marked by continuous growth, innovation, sustainable action and many milestones:
  • Technological breakthroughs: The company has made significant progress in battery safety. The development of a module concept prevents thermal propagation, i.e. the thermal runaway of the module in the event of damage, in its latest generation of cells (Generation 4).
  • Strategic partnership: Farasis Energy and the Turkish car manufacturer Togg have been working together since 2021 with the Siro joint venture. This partnership enables the company to establish independent battery production in Europe.
  • Production expansions: Mass production at the new plant in Gemlik (Turkey) started in spring 2023. With a capacity of 8 GWh/a and over 700 employees, battery modules and packs based on high-performance lithium-ion technology are manufactured there. The plan is to increase the plant's production capacity to 20 GWh/a by 2031.
  • Europe-wide brand awareness: Participating in the IAA Mobility in Munich for the first time was a highlight. At the international event with more than 500,000 visitors, the company was able to use the opportunity to showcase its wide range of off-the-shelf products and individual customer solutions and strengthen its presence in Europe.
  • Striving for quality: With the successful ISO 9001 certification, a globally recognized standard in quality management, Farasis Energy Europe has received official confirmation of the high-quality standards of its products and services.
"The Farasis Energy Europe team has developed extremely well over the last five years. We are now able to cover many areas completely in-house – from materials science, cell research and development, simulation, module and pack development to process development. We are particularly proud of our engineering set-up, which covers all phases of the development process through to support in series production and is always close to the customer – just as our sales team is always close to the customer and can act quickly”, says Marcel Broemlage, General Manager Farasis Energy Europe.

The European subsidiary is looking to the future with many new goals and remains committed to the transformation of mobility. The company plans to introduce its next generation of cells in 2024 and expand production to 50,000 packs.

Farasis Energy

Farasis Energy is a leading developer and manufacturer of high-performance battery technology and pouch cells for electric mobility and other sustainable power storage solutions. Founded in 2002 by Dr. Keith Kepler and Dr. Yu Wang in California, the company now operates research and development centers in China, Germany, and the United States. There are currently two production facilities in Ganzhou and Zhenjiang (China), with further production facilities being built by 2025, thereby increasing total planned capacity to 145 GWh/a. A new battery plant is also being built in Gemlik (Turkey) with the establishment of the Siro joint venture between Turkish electric car manufacturer Togg and Farasis Energy, which produces modules and packs since March 2023. With more than twenty years of experience in research and development and with nearly 300 patents, Farasis Energy is shaping the future of electric mobility as a pioneer. In addition to Togg, its major strategic partners also include companies such as Mercedes-Benz and Geely.
For further information please visit www.farasis-energy.com

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