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Story Box-ID: 1205385

Flottweg SE Industriestr. 6-8 84137 Vilsbiburg, Deutschland https://www.flottweg.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Julia Deliano +49 8741 3011572
Logo der Firma Flottweg SE

Innovative and future-oriented: Flottweg starts construction of the new Process Center

(PresseBox) (Vilsbiburg, )
The starting signal for Flottweg's new Process Center was given last week, on June 13th. In future, the Technology Center will offer the opportunity to implement customer-specific solutions and innovative approaches in an even more targeted manner. With a floor area of around 2000 square meters, the Process Center is divided into laboratory, technical center, office and storage space. Flottweg, a leading global manufacturer of mechanical separation technology and separation solutions, is thus continuing to pursue its long-term growth strategy. The new Process Center is scheduled to open at the end of 2025.

Dr. Kersten Link, Chairman of the Management Board, believes this is an important step for the future of the company: "By building the Process Center, we are not only strengthening our headquarters in Germany, but also creating the basis for sustainable and innovative growth. Flottweg has grown steadily in recent years, so the new Process Center is an investment in the future of the company. It is a signal to our customers and business partners that Flottweg will continue to provide the best solutions for demanding separation tasks in the future."

Focus on customer-specific solutions

Both the laboratory and the pilot plant are divided into sub-areas in order to process the various application areas individually. The focus here is on the application-specific processing of customer samples on a laboratory and pilot plant scale. With the help of the results, Flottweg can provide the customer with targeted feedback on the feasibility, design of the machine and system technology as well as the efficiency of the planned separation processes. Due to the close proximity of the laboratory and the technical center, customer inquiries can be processed even more flexibly in the future.

"With state-of-the-art laboratory technology and versatile machine equipment for analytics, we can further increase the efficiency and sustainability of our solutions and implement tailor-made processes for our customers worldwide," explains Stefan Bichlmeier, Head of Process Engineering at Flottweg.

Dedicated process line for plant proteins and starch

In order to meet the requirements of the food sector in particular, especially for plant proteins, permanently installed systems with corresponding special equipment are provided in the laboratory and technical center. "We have extensive process expertise in plant proteins - regardless of whether the customer requires an entire plant with engineering or just a machine," says Dr. Mathias Aschenbrenner, plant protein specialist at Flottweg. "With our new Process Center, we can present the processes for our customers even more comprehensively. This investment underlines Flottweg's commitment to the food sector."

Flottweg SE

Flottweg is a family business specializing in separation technology that always aims to achieve tangible success for its customers. With an annual turnover of over 298 million euros (2023) and an export rate of over 86%, Flottweg is one of the world's leading manufacturers of centrifuges, plants and systems. Flottweg always knows what is important to users and applies this knowledge every day to find the optimum solution for its customers. With over 60 years of experience, Flottweg guarantees the highest product quality - Made in Germany. In addition to Flottweg SE, based in Vilsbiburg, Germany, the Flottweg Group has 12 subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, America and Australia. Flottweg also serves its customers in over 100 countries around the world with 50 sales offices.

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