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Story Box-ID: 1226205

FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving (ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH) An der Trave 27-31 23923 Selmsdorf, Deutschland https://www.fobalaser.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Falk Wetzel 03882355537

The Sustainable Alternative for Labeling and CIJ Printing: The Trend is Moving towards Laser Marking

(PresseBox) (Selmsdorf, )
Laser marking systems are the sustainable alternative to traditional labeling, CIJ, and tampon printing. With the V-Series, FOBA developed a solution that helps companies reduce their environmental footprint while producing high-quality, eco-friendly marks on various materials.

Unlike traditional marking methods that rely on consumables such as ink, tampon pads, and solvents, the V-Series eliminates these recurring costs and reduces waste. Mechanical issues typical of CIJ and tampon printing lead to frequent maintenance, increasing operational costs and downtime. The V-Series from FOBA is low-maintenance, requires no consumables, and ensures precise, high-contrast markings on polymers (such as ABS, PET, HDPE, and polypropylene), colored plastics, ceramics, and metals using its UV- and green laser markers. Laser markings guarantee long-lasting readability and excellent wear resistance.

With its compact design and flexible connectivity options, the FOBA V-Series integrates seamlessly into existing production lines, enabling a quick replacement of costly CIJ or tampon printing systems with minimal adjustments. This makes it an ideal upgrade for manufacturers seeking a cost-effective, space-saving solution that delivers sharp, wear-resistant markings.

"The V-Series provides manufacturers with a powerful, sustainable alternative to conventional marking technologies," says Philipp Febel, Director of Product Strategy & Customer Experience at FOBA. "With its 4-watt UV and 10-watt green lasers, it offers versatile marking options for polymers, colored plastics, metals, and ceramics. The consumable-free system reduces operating costs, minimizes waste, and helps manufacturers achieve their sustainability goals and improve their environmental footprint."

With the V-Series, FOBA sets a new standard for efficient, high-quality, and sustainable marking solutions. Designed to meet the demands of modern manufacturing, the V-Series not only enhances productivity but also promotes more responsible resource use. For manufacturers looking for a sustainable and durable marking solution, the V-Series offers an ideal combination of versatility, durability, and environmental responsibility.

FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving (ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH)

FOBA Laser Marking + Engraving (brand of ALLTEC Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie GmbH) is one of the leading suppliers of advanced laser marking systems. FOBA develops and manufactures marking lasers for integration as well as laser marking workstations with vision assisted marking workflows. FOBA technology is being applied for the direct part marking of any kind of metals, plastics or other materials in industries like automotive, medical, electronics, plastics or tool, metal and mold making. With its worldwide sales and service branches and its headquarters near Lübeck/Hamburg (Germany) ALLTEC/FOBA is part of the Veralto Corporation.

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