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Story Box-ID: 1144951

GOLDBECK SOLAR GmbH Goldbeckstr. 7 69493 Hirschberg an der Bergstraße, Deutschland http://goldbecksolar.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Yesica Pantiga +49 6201 7103337
Logo der Firma GOLDBECK SOLAR GmbH

GOLDBECK SOLAR appointed for the construction of a new solar farm in Canada: Fox Coulée (93 MWp)

(PresseBox) (Hirschberg an der Bergstraße, )
GOLDBECK SOLAR, an international company specializing in the construction of photovoltaic systems with business activities in more than 20 countries is excited to announce the commencement of the construction of Fox Coulee solar farm owned by NEOEN, the leading French independent producer of renewable energy, operating in 16 countries.

Cutting-edge project!

This construction will lead to the commissioning of a 93 MWp solar farm in Alberta, Canada: Fox Coulée,- NEOEN, who owns 100% of this solar farm, has awarded GOLDBECK SOLAR with a turnkey EPC contract.

The Fox Coulee solar farm will be NEOEN’s first ground-breaking in North America and is planned to be completed for the first quarter of 2024. Upon completion, it will be capable of producing clean energy to power over 20,000 residential homes and will contribute to the target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2035 set by the Province of Alberta and the federal government.

Acting today to preserve tomorrow.

Both GOLDBECK SOLAR and NEOEN are actively contributing to the energy transition: the green electricity to be produced by Fox Coulee solar farm will avoid the emission of 70,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Thus, the farm will contribute to Alberta’s plan to deploy 5 GW of renewables by 2030, with the goal of generating 30% of its electricity from renewables by the end of the decade, while also phasing out coal.

This is a significant step in strengthening GOLDBECK SOLAR’s presence in the country with the objectives of establishing commitment and indicating an intent to become a leading player in Alberta and Canada.

This holistic approach makes GOLDBECK SOLAR the gateway to solar energy, able to provide all the solutions and competencies necessary for the successful realization of a solar project. With the best photovoltaic solutions, GOLDBECK SOLAR helps its customers achieve carbon neutrality, while becoming resilient, independent, and more valuable and competitive for the future.

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With the vision of a clean energy supply, Joachim Goldbeck founded GOLDBECK SOLAR GmbH as a subsidiary of the Goldbeck Group and Solarnet GmbH for special projects. In 2018, both companies joined forced to become GOLDBECK SOLAR, an international company specialising in the turnkey construction of commercial rooftop and ground-mounted photovoltaic systems.

The range of services covers the entire value chain, from project development and targeted project financing to the construction and integration of storage technologies, technical operation, and asset management of the plants, as well as the direct sale of clean energy. With proven expertise in solar power, wind power and storage, GOLDBECK SOLAR consolidated the large-scale segment worldwide, and further expanded its business expertise to a now total of more than 20 countries and 4 continents.

The company also plays an active role in ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social protection, while keeping sustainability focus at its core.

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