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Story Box-ID: 1014967

has·to·be gmbh Salzburger Straße 26 5550 Radstadt, Österreich http://www.has-to-be.com/
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Sabrina Wurzer +43 6452 2120061
Logo der Firma has·to·be gmbh
has·to·be gmbh

Mobile Throughout Europe: Focus on Long-Distance eMobility

has·to·be significantly expands its charging network made publicly accessible to their MSP customers, in a partnership with Enel X

(PresseBox) (Radstadt, )
The roaming partnership with Enel X - a subsidiary of Enel, leading global power company - made possible via the Hubject platform, expands has·to·be‘s charging network which is publicly accessible for its MSP customers, by around 8,000 in Italy to more than 175,000 charging points across Europe. The agreement will allow also Enel X customers to access has·to·be´s charging network. 

An average of 44,315 vehicles are recorded travelling on the Brenner Frontier every day. That is about 16.17 million journeys between Brenner and Modena per year. A rise in heavy goods traffic of 1.8 % compared with the previous year marks a new all-time high. The Alpine transit route is booming - whether for transport of goods and heavy goods or for cross-border tourism. Being able to travel without borders goes hand in hand with comfortable mobility, providing the necessary charging infrastructure on the important transit routes.

has·to·be‘s already existing comprehensive roaming network gives eCar drivers the opportunity - not only from the DACH region, but also from Northern Europe and Benelux - to travel long distances freely and without complications on the most important transit routes through the Alpine region all the way to Italy.

The focus of this cross-supplier cooperation with the advanced energy solutions company Enel X is to further develop long-distance eMobility for the general public throughout Europe. The connection to the has·to·be roaming charging network also simplifies convenient eMobility for Italian eCar drivers and electric freight transport.

Full Mobility within Europe 

Martin Klässner, CEO of has·to·be, emphasizes: "The past months during the Corona pandemic have shown that unlimited mobility within Europe is an indispensable requirement. We are convinced that freedom of travel represents an asset. It is therefore essential for us to promote long-distance eMobility, on transit routes between Germany, Austria and Italy. The cooperation with Enel X underlines our vision of making eMobility accessible all over Europe.

Access to Europe's Largest Charging Network with eMSP.OPERATION 

With eMSP.OPERATION, has·to·be enables its customers access across Europe using a single charging card registered in their customer’s name. No individual roaming contracts or costly billing processes involving separate charging station operators are required.

has·to·be customers benefit from transparent collective invoices, favorable tariffs, and standardized processes – all this within a constantly expanding network of charging points throughout Europe.

*Source: https://www.autobrennero.it/de/news-und-media/pressemitteilungen/brennerautobahngesellschaft-fahrt-historisches-rek_446_idap/  

has·to·be gmbh

has·to·be paves the way for sustainable mobility. With its comprehensive operating system and innovative services, has·to·be provides everything companies require to enjoy success in the field of eMobility: from the carefree operation of eCharging stations to the end-to-end management of worldwide mobility solutions.

More than 100 employees from ten nations work at the headquarters of has·to·be gmbh in the federal province of Salzburg and in its offices in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Munich, and Vienna. Since 2019, the Volkswagen Group has been a strong strategic partner of has·to·be.

Every year, has·to·be hosts the be·connected conference bringing together entrepreneurs, representatives, and innovators from the industry to exchange ideas and establish networks. 

Further Informationen: https://has-to-be.com and be·connected conference: https://be.connected-conference.com/...

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