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Story Box-ID: 1161189

hte GmbH Kurpfalzring 104 69123 Heidelberg, Deutschland http://www.hte-company.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Dr. Stefan Altwasser +49 6221 7497171
Logo der Firma hte GmbH

hte launches first virtual lab for digitalized R&D

(PresseBox) (Heidelberg, Germany, )
hte – the high throughput experimentation company is proud to announce the launch of its new virtual lab for catalysis and materials R&D. The platform offers a new way of experiencing different laboratory testing solutions and digitalized workflows while showcasing testing possibilities for different applications in the energy and refining, and chemical and battery industries.

hte has accumulated great expertise in the field of lab-scale R&D over the past 20 years through the successful development, design, construction, and operation of technology solutions, including software. All of this expertise comes together in the R&D lab of the future.

The virtual lab includes R&D technologies and digitalized workflows that enable seamless integration of emerging technologies into research processes, ensuring that solutions are effectively developed and implemented. After signing up for the virtual lab, interested persons can discover different types of lab-scale testing units as well as case studies for a broad range of applications, and get in touch with our experts. In the future it will be possible to book virtual lab tours with our specialists on various topics. All information on the topics and dates will be published on our website soon.

"In today's fast-paced business landscape, finding the right solutions requires collaboration and exploration beyond traditional approaches. That is why we are proud to introduce the virtual R&D lab, which supports finding the ideal solution for various applications and enhances collaboration without geographical barriers,” says Wolfram Stichert, CEO of hte.

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hte GmbH

At hte – the high throughput experimentation company, we make R&D in the area of catalysis faster and more productive. We enable cost-effective innovations and reduced time to market for new products, thereby allowing our customers in the energy & refining, chemical & petrochemical, and environmental industries to keep ahead of the competition.

Our technology and services comprise:
• R&D Solutions: highly efficient contract research programs at hte’s state-of-the-art laboratories in Heidelberg, Germany
• Technology Solutions: integrated hardware and software solutions, enabling our customers to establish high throughput workflows in their own laboratories.

Our customers benefit from broad technical and scientific expertise, exceptional customer orientation, complete end-to-end solutions, and outstanding data quality. Our close ties with BASF guarantee long-term orientation and stability.

For more information, visit our website www.hte-company.com.

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