Auch bei den einzelnen Serverkategorien konnte IBM nach Umsatz seine Marktführerschaft stetig ausbauen. So zum Beispiel bei den Blade Server-Systemen, wo das Unternehmen einen Marktanteil von mehr als 45 Prozent bzw. 42 Prozent verbuchen konnte.
Anbei eine Zusammenfassung der Highlights aus den Quartalsanalysen von Gartner und IDC:
- IBM ist zum zehnten Mal in Folge die Nummer eins im weltweiten Servermarkt nach Umsatz, mit einem Umsatzzuwachs von 9 Prozent im Vergleich zum selben Zeitraum im letzten Jahr (Gartner)
- Bei den UNIX-Systemen ist IBM zum fünften Mal an der Spitze gemessen nach Umsatz, Marktanteil ist 29,4 Prozent (Gartner)
- IBM steht zum neunten Mal an der Spitze der Blade-Systeme gemessen nach Umsatz und hält 42 Prozent des Marktes (IDC)
- Bei Linux-basierten Systemen liegt IBM ebenfalls auf dem ersten Platz der Umsatzzahlen mit einem Marktanteil von 29,7 Prozent (Gartner)
- IBM hat seinen Umsatz mit iSeries-Servern seit dem letzten Jahr um 25 Prozent gesteigert (Gartner)
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Magdalena Brzakala
IBM Presseinformation STG/315/2005
IBM Leads 3Q05 Blade Server Revenue and Year-to-Year UNIX Server Revenue Growth1
ARMONK, NY – November 23, 2005 – Gartner, Inc. today reported that IBM is first in worldwide server revenue for the tenth consecutive quarter ending 3Q05, with growth in overall, UNIX® and blade server revenue.
According to Gartner, a leading provider of research and analysis about the global information technology industry, IBM increased its share in UNIX revenue, growing 3.7 points year-to-year. In addition, IBM grew 82 percent year-to-year based on blade server revenue, to take more than 45 percent of the revenue in the third quarter.
According to Gartner, IBM grew across key segments. Highlights from the report include2:
· IBM is number one in worldwide server revenue with 32.7 percent of revenue share, with total revenue up 9 percent year-to-year (YTY).
· IBM grew its UNIX-based revenue year-to-year for the fifth consecutive quarter ending 3Q05 – with 29.4 percent of revenue share, gaining 3.7 points with total revenue up 12 percent YTY.
· IBM continued to lead in blade server revenue share for the sixth consecutive quarter ending 3Q05, with more than 45 percent of the revenue and total revenue up 82 percent YTY.
· IBM is number one in overall Linux-based server revenue worldwide in 3Q05, with 29.7 percent of the revenue, up 32 percent YTY.
· IBM's eServer iSeries system revenue was up 25 percent YTY.
About IBM
IBM is the leading server vendor in the world. For more information about IBM, visit
1. Based on Gartner's worldwide Server Quarterly Tracker for 03Q05, issued on November 22, 2005
2. Growth comparisons done on a year-to-year basis.
IBM is a trademark of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company/product names and service marks may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both.
Analyst Firm Reports IBM Leads in Overall Server Share and Blade Server Revenue for 3Q051
ARMONK, NY – November 23, 2005 – IDC reported today that in the third quarter 2005, IBM is first in worldwide server revenue share for the tenth consecutive quarter and first in blade server revenue share for the ninth consecutive.
According to IDC, IBM led third quarter 2005 blade server revenue with 42 percent of the revenue share. IBM UNIX-based server revenue growth was up more than 11% year-to-year while competitors Sun and HP declined.
Highlights from the IDC 3Q05 report include:
· IBM is number one in worldwide server revenue share with 32.3 percent revenue share, up 10 percent in revenue year-to-year (YTY).
· IBM continued to lead in worldwide blade server revenue and revenue share for the ninth consecutive quarter ending 3Q05, with 42 percent revenue share and total revenue up 87 percent YTY.
· IBM led global UNIX-based server revenue growth of the major vendors, up 11.1 percent YTY, grew revenue YTY for the fifth consecutive quarter.
About IBM
IBM is the leading server vendor in the world. For more information about IBM, visit
1. Based on IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker, 3Q05, issued on November 23, 2005
IBM is a trademark of IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company/product names and service marks may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through The Open Group. Intel is a registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States, other countries, or both.