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Story Box-ID: 954823

INFORS HT Rittergasse 27 4103 Bottmingen, Schweiz http://www.infors-ht.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Julia Brück +41 61 426 98 35
Logo der Firma INFORS HT

Minifors 2 bench-top bioreactor now also for cell cultures

INFORS HT expands the product portfolio for cell culture applications

(PresseBox) (Bottmingen, )
The Minifors 2 bench-top bioreactor, which won the iF Gold Award for its user-friendly design, is now available in a new version. The proven concept – a compact bioreactor system which has comprehensive features and is easy to operate – remains the same.

The Minifors 2 is a preconfigured complete package with which users can quickly start their cell culture processes without time-consuming installation. The culture vessel, which is available in three sizes, is fully equipped with a digital pH sensor and optical pO2 sensor, temperature sensor, exhaust gas cooler, (anti-)foam sensor, sparger, sampling system and up to three additional freely available ports. The culture vessel is operated on a compact base unit with four freely configurable pumps and a touch screen as the operating unit. The cell culture version additionally offers five fully automatic gas lines and can additionally control external pumps via two analogue inputs and outputs. In addition, the bioreactor can be optionally expanded by biomass sensors, exhaust gas analysis and an external scale for gravimetric feeding.

With these additional options and the connection to the eve® platform software, bioprocesses can be understood even more easily and optimized further.

Thanks to the integrated and intuitive touch screen software, the Minifors 2 remains easy to operate, despite the comprehensive features. The intuitive software provides multilingual step-by-step guidance through all functions, such as calibration of the sensors. If needed, brief texts with information on components and applications can be displayed.

“Especially for beginners who need a ready-to-use and easy-to-handle bioreactor for their cell culture applications, we consider the Minifors 2 for cell cultures to be an interesting alternative to single-use bioreactors,” says Daniel Egger, marketing director at INFORS HT.

Website Promotion

Website Promotion
Product website Minifors 2


IINFORS HT is your specialist for bioreactors, shaker incubators and bioprocess control software. You benefit from sophisticated systems that contribute to your success by maximizing the productivity of your cell lines or microorganisms without sacrificing reproducibility.

We offer the right solutions for your applications:
- Cultivation of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and yeasts) as well as cells (mammalian cells, insect cells, plant cells and algae)
- Biofuels (biodiesel and bioethanol)
- Parallel bioprocesses
- Customer-specific bioreactors and incubation shakers
- Integration of all of your bioprocesses in one software platform
- Qualification of bioreactors and incubation shakers

Close customer relationships, high quality, innovation and flexibility are our greatest strengths.

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