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Story Box-ID: 1181985

Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV) in Industrie und Handwerk an der RWTH Aachen Seffenter Weg 201 52074 Aachen, Deutschland http://www.ikv-aachen.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Rebecca Hierlwimmer +49 241 8093672
Logo der Firma Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV) in Industrie und Handwerk an der RWTH Aachen
Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV) in Industrie und Handwerk an der RWTH Aachen

32nd International Colloquium Plastics Technology in Aachen - Professional exchange and research impulses for practice

In the coming year, IKV is extending an invitation to the 32nd International Colloquium Plastics Technology – a lively forum for technical exchange & an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments & technologies in the plastics industry

(PresseBox) (Aachen, )
The participants can look forward to a unique event that brings together the whole plastics sector. The Colloquium will take place on 28 and 29 February 2024, in Aachen.

Varied lecture programme for an individual agenda:

At the heart of the Colloquium will be the 15 lecture sessions, during which the current research topics at IKV will be presented. These sessions are consistent with IKV's objective to carry out "Research for practical use", and are intensively dedicated to the perspectives and demands of the industry.

Each of these sessions begins with a keynote speech from experienced industry representatives. This paves the way for the subsequent scientific papers, and creates the connection to industrial practice. The high-ranking moderators who will accompany these sessions include:
  • Dr.-Ing. Hubert Ehbing (Covestro Deutschland AG)
  • Frank Ehrhart (Altair Engineering GmbH)
  • phil. Jürgen Geng (Plasma Electronic GmbH)
  • Dr.-Ing. Jochen Hauck (SIMONA AG)
  • Thomas Herrmann (Herrmann Ultraschall)
  • Michael Johann (Porsche Engineering)
  • Dr.-Ing. Jan-Martin Kaiser (Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Dr.-Ing. Johannes Kilian (ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH)
  • Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kleineheismann (Forvia HELLA)
  • Dr.-Ing. Christopher Neumann (Freudenberg Sealing Technologies)
  • Dr.-Ing. Melanie Rohde-Tibitanzl (Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH)
  • Dr.-Ing. Stefan Seibel (Brückner Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG)
  • Dr.-Ing. Peter Ryzko (SÜDPACK VERPACKUNGEN GmbH & Co. KG)
  • Dr.-Ing. Thomas Walter (ARBURG GmbH + Co. KG)
These experts will help to establish the link between research and industry, and thereby enable a fruitful exchange and a practice-oriented focus in the lecture sessions of the Colloquium.

The sessions are dedicated to the following topics:
  • Injection moulding process technology for lightweight
  • AI-based methods to boost PCR usage in plastics packaging
  • Advances in ultrasonic and laser welding technology
  • New control strategies for injection moulding
  • Multiscale simulation of multiphase materials
  • Material characterisation and process monitoring for polyurethanes
  • Product specific process technology for injection moulding
  • Plasma-based barrier coatings for sustainable packaging
  • Structural health monitoring of hydrogen pressure tanks
  • Assistance systems in injection moulding
  • Resource efficiency for rubber applications
  • Improved fatigue life prediction of fibre-reinforced products
  • Challenges of PCR processing
  • Cost-efficient lightweight design of tape reinforced mass-production parts
  • Intelligent tools for improved design and processes in additive manufacturing
IKV 360° ­ Research live illustrates the topics with a practical orientation:

Visitors will be able to put together their own personal timetable of lectures by deciding at the Colloquium which sessions are of most interest to them. On the first day of the event, at the traditional IKV 360° Research live, IKV will open its doors to the visitors to make a tour of the Institute's testing facilities and pilot plants. This is where the active connection is made between the lecture topics and practical application. At more than 80 test stations, the contextual and structural diversity of IKV's research activities will be demonstrated live. For the first time, following the move out of the old injection moulding laboratory on Pontstraße, all test stands will be presented together on the Campus Melaten, and the Plastics Innovation Centre will be presented to the specialist public.

Industry trade show will present pioneering innovations for the industry:

The accompanying industry trade show as part of the IKV Colloquium has been serving for many years as a central meeting point for the plastics segment. Here, there are outstanding opportunities to nurture and expand professional networks, creating the ideal framework for an intensive exchange of ideas with experts, decision-makers and business partners. The trade show combines application-related research with industrial development and innovation on an exhibition area of around 400 m². The entire value chain of plastics technology will be represented here, from machinery and equipment manufacturers, converters and raw material suppliers to producers of analysing and testing technology and consulting companies for the plastics sector.

The festivities to mark the opening of the Colloquium will be held on the evening before the event, and all participants and exhibitors are warmly invited to attend the get-together. It offers the unique opportunity to strengthen business relations and to experience the latest developments in the plastics industry at close hand.

Recruiting speed-dating to combat the shortage of new recruits:

To counter the general trend involving the shortage of upcoming new recruits, IKV will, in 2024, embark on new ways to bring young talent to the plastics industry. At the proven recruiting speed-dating event (which so far has only been available to member companies of the IKV Association of Sponsors), all companies in the industry can now participate if they are searching for new staff and upcoming recruits. Speed-dating is an event at which students and university graduates have an opportunity to come into contact with potential employers in short and concise discussions. The aim is clear: To find the right candidates for internships, final dissertations and employment in the plastics industry. The event will take place on 29 February in the Eurogress on the fringe of the Colloquium, and promises to be an enriching experience for both students and companies.

Institut für Kunststoffverarbeitung (IKV) in Industrie und Handwerk an der RWTH Aachen

About IKV
IKV, the Institute of Plastics Processing at RWTH Aachen University, is Europe-wide the leading research and education institute engaged in the field of plastics processing enjoying outstanding reputation. More than 300 staff are employed in finding solutions to problems connected with processing, materials technology and part design in the plastics and rubber industries. IKV's close contacts with industry and science, together with its outstanding facilities, enable cutting-edge research in plastics technology and ensure that students benefit from a comprehensive, practically oriented course of study. Plastics engineering graduates from IKV are thus sought-after experts in industry. In organisational terms, IKV is divided up into the four specialist departments of Injection Moulding, Extrusion and Rubber Technology, Part Design and Materials Technology, and Composites and Polyurethane Technology. The institute also takes in the Centre for Analysis and Testing of Plastics, and the Training and Further Education department. IKV is run by an Association of Sponsors, which currently has a membership of about 300 plastics companies from all over the world. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hopmann is Head of the Institute and Managing Director of the Association of Sponsors. He also holds the Chair of Plastics Processing at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University.


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