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Story Box-ID: 80505

ISO Software Systeme GmbH Eichendorffstraße 33 90491 Nürnberg, Deutschland https://www.iso-gruppe.com/de/iso-software-systeme
Ansprechpartner:in Markus Kretschmer 0911-99594-333

OCEAN and Emerald for all users of Hurtigruten GmbH

The reservation system "OCEAN" and the CRM system „Emerald“ of ISO are now used by all users of Hurtigruten GmbH in Hamburg.

(PresseBox) (Hamburg / Nuremberg, )
All users of Hurtigruten GmbH in Hamburg now use the tour operator system „OCEAN“ and the CRM system „Emerald“ of ISO Travel Solutions GmbH from Nuremberg.

A few weeks ago the activities of the former NSA (Norwegische Schiffahrtsagentur – Norwegian Cruise Ship Agency) and the former Norden Tours were consolidated under the new name „Hurtigruten GmbH“.
OCEAN and Emerald were in use at NSA for many years. Up to now 40 users worked with the two systems of ISO.
With the consolidation of the two companies the processes (and consequently the employees) of the former Norden Tours were migrated on the two systems. Thus, overall 60 users of the new Hurtigruten GmbH now use the two integrated systems.

The main advantage of the two systems is their integration and therefore the ensured exchange of data between the CRM data base and the reservation system. The Hurtigruten Call Center employees can rely on the Emerald CRM functions to support their individual customer care. In case of a booking request the personal data of the customer is transferred directly from Emerald into the OCEAN booking mask, where the booking can be finished. OCEAN is directly connected to the central reservation system of the Norwegian parent company „Hurtigruten Group ASA“. This interface enables OCEAN to make online-availability checks and bookings of the cruise ships of the Hurtigruten shipping company – including cabin reservation.
All of these bookings are transferred from OCEAN back into the Emerald data base and therefore reflected in the Emerald customer history.

Ulf Schröder, Head of the IT-department comments:
„Through the handling of bookings and the customer service with OCEAN and Emerald we are able to design our processes even more efficiently. In this process the direct connection to the reservation system of our parent company was an important factor. The products and the customers of our former subsidiary company NORDEN TOURS GmbH were migrated to OCEAN and Emerald without any problems.

ISO Software Systeme GmbH

Die Leistungen der ISO Software Systeme GmbH konzentrieren sich besonders auf die Tätigkeitsbereiche Beratung, Konzeption und Realisierung von IT-Lösungen, sowie SAP®-ERP-Beratung und Entwicklung. Die ISO Travel Solutions GmbH hat sich auf den Vertrieb und Support der bewährten touristischen Softwarelösungen der ISO Software Systeme in internationalen Märkten spezialisiert. Die touristischen Lösungen sind bei vielen namhaften Unternehmen im In- und Ausland im Einsatz, z. B. bei TUI, der Emirates Group in Dubai oder Air Canada Vacations in Kanada. Insgesamt zählen ca. 300 Mitarbeiter zur ISO Gruppe, die 2007 einen Jahresumsatz von rund 20 Mio. Euro erwirtschafteten. Der Hauptsitz der ISO ist in Nürnberg, weitere Niederlassungen befinden sich in München, Frankfurt und Stuttgart, sowie in Dubai, Kanada, Polen und Österreich.


ISO Travel Solutions GmbH is a specialised provider for the proven tourism software solutions of ISO Software Systeme in several international markets. The systems are used by many renown companies, i.e. TUI, the Emirates Group in Dubai or Air Canada Vacations in Canada. The ISO group has 300 employees, which have generated an annual turnover of approx. 20 Million Euro in 2007. ISO is headquartered in Nuremberg with branches in Munich, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Furthermore, there are subsidiaries in Dubai, Austria, Poland and Canada.


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