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Story Box-ID: 1225885

KHS GmbH Juchostr. 20 44143 Dortmund, Deutschland http://www.khs.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Alisa Altrock +49 251 62556123
Logo der Firma KHS GmbH

KHS expands its service portfolio: reliable filling of lightweight cans

(PresseBox) (Dortmund, )
In order to meet the growing demands of the beverage industry, KHS is continuously further modernizing its service solutions. The latest option addresses the challenges of filling thin-walled cans and maintains a high level of efficiency
in line and machine operation.

In an effort to save on resources, the industry is developing cans with increasingly thinner walls. This makes for a more efficient use of materials and reduces the ecological footprint. With the wall thickness of lightweight containers frequently halved, however, the filling technology needs to be adapted. “Whereas classic formats could withstand a force of up to 800 newtons during filling valve contact pressure and subsequent filling, a maximum of just 675 newtons can be applied to more modern lightweight cans without damaging them,” explains Andreas Krieg from KHS’ Wet Section Technical Support Department. With its new system for the gentle filling of very light cans, the Dortmund systems supplier is meeting the growing demands of the beverage industry.

Conversion optimizes production processes and increases competitiveness

KHS has thus developed a conversion kit that enables many of its can fillers installed on the market to be adjusted to meet changing requirements. By using adapted bell guides with either Teflon expansion joints or elastomer seals (depending on the year of manufacture), the filling valve’s pneumatic pressure range can be easily modified and thus the valve contact pressure finely adjusted. Optimized pneumatic cylinders also permit precise configuration and pressure reduction. This ensures that the machine retains its optimum functionality even when container specifications are altered.

Sustainability, cost efficiency and flexibility combined

The necessary changes to the filling valves for lightweight cans can be performed step by step and during regular maintenance. This gives plant operators maximum flexibility and minimizes any production downtime. What’s more, beverage producers can choose between adaptation or full replacement of the valves. KHS also provides full service from a single source in close cooperation with its Swiss partner Ferrum, as switching over to lightweight also calls for the seamer to be converted. “We’re happy to coordinate this for the customer on request, with the components and relevant engineers supplied by Ferrum,” says Krieg.

Successful market testing

Since the spring KHS has been successfully testing its new conversion kits for lightweight cans with various customers – and the feedback is extremely positive. “Our tests confirm the efficiency and durability generated by this conversion,” Krieg smiles. Based on these results, KHS’ new retrofit is officially available with immediate effect.


The KHS Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of filling and packaging systems for the beverage and liquid food industries. Besides the parent company (KHS GmbH) the group includes various subsidiaries outside Germany, with production sites in Ahmedabad (India), Waukesha (USA), Zinacantepec (Mexico), São Paulo (Brazil) and Kunshan (China). It also operates numerous sales and service centers worldwide. KHS manufactures modern filling and packaging systems for the high-capacity range at its headquarters in Dortmund, Germany, and at its factories in Bad Kreuznach, Kleve, Worms and Hamburg. The KHS Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of the SDAX-listed Salzgitter AG corporation. In 2023 the KHS Group and its 5,400 employees achieved a turnover of around €1.517 billion.

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