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Story Box-ID: 1017418

KISTERS AG Pascalstraße 8 + 10 52076 Aachen, Deutschland http://www.kisters.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Germar Nikol +49 2408 9385171
Logo der Firma KISTERS AG

1 Source Design Credits 3DViewStation for its Faster Data Translation & Large Design Viewing Speed

Tooling & Mold Making Customers are crediting KISTERS for its Alternative, Cost-Effective Solution Outside of CAD for Collaboration

(PresseBox) (Sacramento, CA, )
When it comes to designing, CAD software certainly has its place but, purchasing and maintaining multiple CAD licenses can be expensive - whether you're a small business or large enterprise. Douglas Davis, a Sales Engineer at 1 Source Design, and explained why KISTERS' 3DViewStation has become 1 Source Design’s go-to alternative for multiple, expensive CAD software licenses.

3D and 2D data is created by the engineering department and partners but, there are many departments that must gain access to the CAD data for one reason or another. Take for instance the production, sales and even purchasing departments. Sharing and collaborating on CAD data is actually a very simple task - when everyone has access to the same tools.

So, what is the solution? Well, one solution is a CAD software license for each
collaborator. But, there are numerous reasons why this was simply not a solution for 1 Source Design:
  • high training effort
  • long waiting times
  • the high cost of licensing and more
1 Source Design's Southern Ontario plant operates 24/7 with 45 plus employees and has over 30 years of experience in the tool and die industry creating injection molds for plastic parts. With relations in China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, Portugal and partners in the USA, Davis explained that they were in desperate need of:
  • faster data translation &
  • the ability to quickly view large designs (>700 mb). 
After a trial period with the 1 Source Design team, Davis chose 3DViewStation as their visualization solution. When asked why Davis ultimately picked 3DViewStation over other viewers he listed a few reasons, "The ability to save native format files into .stp., the stability of the software, and fast speed when opening large files." Davis was also very pleased that 3DViewStation worked with their existing CAD and PLM solutions "seamlessly" and that their users could often times be up and running with KISTERS 3DViewStation within about 30 minutes. “The learning curve has been relatively flat so far.” he said. 

In their daily operations, Davis' team primarily uses it to grant access to engineering graphics without the need for additional, pricey Unigraphics and PowerShape license seats.

The latest developments of 3DViewStation can be reviewed in more detail at: https://www.3dviewstation.com/blog.html.

According to Kelly Baumann, Business Development Manager at KISTERS, 3DViewStation is continuously enhanced in response to customer needs and requirements. It is available as Desktop, ActiveX, VR-Edition and HTML5 WebViewer product-versions. All product flavors are intended to be used together with a PLM, ERP or other management system product configuration or service and spare part applications, providing all necessary APIs. For cloud, portal and web-solutions, there is an HTML5-based WebViewer solution available, which does not require client installation. All file formats can be used in combination with the intelligent navigation and hyperlinking features to address needs of complex integration scenarios.

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25 years success in the market with superior visualization solutions from desktop to mobile has proven KISTERS to be one of the top players in the visualization industry. Clients ranging from small firms to well-known multinationals, 3DViewStation's easy-to-use interface is suitable for all user groups and 100% customizable to each individual's specific requirements. More than 3,000 customers and over 200,000 installations worldwide. In addition, KISTERS offers expert advice and support in concept development based on client requirements.

KISTERS North America
U.S.: +1 (916) 723-1441
Germany: +49 2408 9385-517

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