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Story Box-ID: 1211442

Lino GmbH Große Bleiche 15 55116 Mainz, Deutschland https://www.lino.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Michael Kilian +49 6131 3278515
Logo der Firma Lino GmbH

Setting new standards with automation

GEBHARDT Logistic Solutions relies on Tacton Configurator and Software Made by Lino to optimize design and sales processes.

(PresseBox) (Mainz, )
Producing customized products profitably, even in small batch sizes, is challenging and can only be achieved through automated and consistent processes. GEBHARDT Logistic Solutions is successful in this – thanks to integrated Solidworks extensions from Tacton Systems and Software Made by Lino.

With high product quality and a deep understanding of its customers' needs, GEBHARDT develops flexible logistics solutions that ensure that goods are transported and stored safely in many industries. Thermal containers and other products with high standardization potential are manufactured in large quantities. At the same time, they must be customized to the respective refrigerated goods and individual customer requirements.

Previously, the back office transferred the information and equipment features collected by the field service to the ERP system and a specification sheet. This includes container volumes, shelves and temperature limits as well as thermometers, rollers, RFID tags and other equipment features. The design department then selected the appropriate model group, defined details and created 3D models and 2D drawings for customers and production.

The result: system breaks, an ‘information ping-pong’ between those involved and semi-manual calculations in Excel. This approach made it difficult to implement customized solutions economically, was error-prone and time-consuming. The design of a container model in Solidworks alone took up to four net hours, as even similar products had to be constantly redrawn - and it was not uncommon for a week to pass before the finished quotation was available. One reason for this was that each order was treated as an individual project with little standardization.

Integrated and automated IT processes, with Solidworks at the center, were needed to relieve the design department and simplify the calculation. In Tacton Configurator, GEBHARDT found the right sales configurator (CPQ) to bring customers closer to the product; in Tacton Design Automation, a design automation system that speeds up work and eliminates sources of error. And in Lino GmbH, they found an IT partner with enormous Tacton expertise, who also provides valuable add-ons for integration.

Since then, the new solutions and their standardized set of rules have ensured that product configurations are automated and error-free. The Lino 3D web add-on ensures state-of-the-art online 3D visualization. In the design process, Tacton Design Automation also accesses the set of rules and creates automated design processes. This gives GEBHARDT consistent processes and the technological basis for far-reaching standardization.

This is what it looks like in practice: Sales uses a guided 3D configuration (at the customer's premises or by telephone) - including master data, equipment, data sheets, sketches and appealing 3D visualization. The design department, in turn, can automatically transfer all configuration data to Tacton Design Automation and save or modify finished models or drawings in the PDM system using Lino PDM pro. Internally, the prices are fixed just a few hours after the requirements have been recorded - and a customized quotation with drawings can be sent to the customer on the same day. In the design department, automation also frees up to 75 per cent of capacity, which GEBHARDT uses for additional orders and new models.

Lino GmbH

Lino GmbH is a provider of technology-leading software solutions and consulting services for CPQ and design automation, system integration, 3D visualization and system configuration. With the Lino team and the Tacton CPQ Configurator and Software Made by Lino® products, companies in various industrial sectors realize consistent, efficient sales and product development processes with great savings potential.
Lino 3D configuration solutions set new standards in product configuration; they revolutionize the design, configuration and sale of complex industrial products. Applications from CAD, PDM, PLM, ERP, CRM, web, eCommerce or mobile devices can be easily integrated.
The configuration specialist and software developer Lino is an authorized Tacton Business Partner, Microsoft Partner Gold Application Development, Solidworks Solution Partner and member of the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN). Lino is represented at seven locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, including Bremen, Mainz, Stuttgart, Bad Mergentheim, Dresden, Raabs/Thaya and Dällikon.


Lino is a registered trademark of Lino GmbH. Autodesk and Inventor are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. © 2024

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