"During the last year we have increased our international sales network by 13 % and established competent partners for LUM products in 42 countries. Hence, the local business units of our global customers as well as regional customers from industry and science are provided with a quick and competent support", explains Prof. Lerche, Managing Director of LUM GmbH. "We especially welcome new partners from Korea, Spain and Portugal, who already successfully sold our analytical instruments within a short time after starting the partnership."
All participants will undergo an intensive training in stability analysis and particle characterization of emulsions and suspensions from different application areas, including food, lacquers and flocculants. The exchange of experiences will focus on key applications, e.g. dispersability of carbon nanotubes.
"Being an innovative company LUM will present new and improved products in 2010, considering the previous feedback from our users. Within the current year a completely new SEPView® software for our topsellers LUMiSizer® and LUMiFuge® will be available for our customers", discloses Prof. Lerche, knowing well that there will be further news. Despite a difficult economic environment, the successful extension of the sales network as well as new and improved products enabled LUM GmbH to achieve the same turnover in 2009 as in 2008.