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Story Box-ID: 998478

MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH Sportparkstraße 9 35578 Wetzlar, Deutschland http://www.mbst.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Caroline Ebinger +49 6441 6791829

MBST Award 2020 · Dr. Kitaev · ArthroMedCenter · Saratow-Moscow

(PresseBox) (Wetzlar, )
At the 3rd Wetzlar Medical Symposium about MBST magnetic resonance therapy in Wetzlar, the specialist for orthopaedics, surgery and traumatology Dr. Igor Vladimirovich Kitaev from Moscow was honoured with an MBST Award for his research about MBST magnetic resonance therapy in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases and dorsopathy.

MBST Award for Dr. Kitaev At the gala evening during the third international medical symposium about MBST magnetic resonance therapy on the 6th of March 2020, Senior Physician Dr. med. Igor Vladimirovich Kitaev was honoured with an MBST Award. Dr. Kitaev is General Manager of a clinic for joint and spine treatment in Moscow – ArthroMedCenter– and member of the International Scientific Surgical Association. He was medical leader of several studies about MBST therapy.

Outstanding therapeutic efficacy confirmed by Russian studies
20 years of experiences in medical practicing have made it clear to Dr. Kitaev that conservative methods for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as medicinal therapy, physiotherapy and intraarticular injections don’t always have the desired effect in fighting against damages to cartilage, joint and connective tissue.

In 2015, the MBST magnetic resonance therapy came to Dr. Kitaev’s notice. At first, he only treated patients from his extended family. But the exceptionally good therapy results were so convincing that he spend a lot of work and time to prove the efficacy of MBST therapy with more than personal reports. He initiated and concluded clinical studies which finally led to his clinic being granted the necessary medical licence to use the MBST magnetic resonance system in Russia.

According to the General Manager Dr. Kitaev, the staff of the clinic ArthroMedCenter includes several top doctors, candidates of medical science and the best specialists in the field of orthopaedics, rheumatology and neurology. The clinic guarantees the high efficiency of the innovative MBST method which allows the successful treatment of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system without surgery and side-effects.

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MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH

Founded in 1998, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH from Wetzlar has developed from a pioneer to world market leader in the fi eld of therapeutically used MBST magnetic resonance technology. MedTec develops, produces and distributes the worldwide unique and patented technology that is used in MBST therapy system for human, veterinary and aesthetic medicine. Doctors, specialist, medical centres, hospitals, clinics and universities put their trust in the MBST therapy system today - not only in Germany and Europe but worldwide. It is MedTec's vision to enable a healthy, active and pain-free life for patients of nearly every age with its therapeutically used MBST technology. The MBST magnetic resonance therapy achieves that in the treatment of various degenerative diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system without needing drugs, injections, infusions, pain killers or surgical interventions. More than 1,000,000 hours of therapy have been applicated with the MBST magnetic resonance technology so far without any side effects or interactions becoming known. MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH stands for global leadership of market and technology with its worldwide patented therapeutically used MBST magnetic resonance technology.

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