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Story Box-ID: 1168954

noventum consulting GmbH Münsterstraße 111 48155 Münster, Deutschland http://www.noventum.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Dr. Matthias Rensing +49 2506 93020

Sharepoint introduction at SAERTEX multiCom realised completely online

With agile project management and technical know-how, noventum supported the internationally successful producer of technical textiles in the implementation of its new SharePoint.

(PresseBox) (Münster, )
SAERTEX GmbH & Co KG and its subsidiary SAERTEX multiCom GmbH produce technical textiles in Saerbeck, Westphalia, and in a number of locations worldwide. In order to improve cooperation within the group, SAERTEX multiCom initiated the creation of an intranet based on the latest Microsoft SharePoint technology. In the future, all locations and departments of the parent company and subsidiaries will gradually work together on the intranet. In 2022, the Saerbeck-based company successfully implemented the pilot project and opened up new ways of communication and data sharing for its employees. Some departments of the parent company SAERTEX were already involved in the SharePoint set-up from the beginning.

noventum consultants and SAERTEX employees met in person for the first time after the completion of the fully online project.

The SAERTEX group employs more than 1,600 people worldwide, 250 of whom work for SAERTEX multiCom. Daniel Hatke (Strategy & Processes SAERTEX multiCom) led the project, overall IT manager Ingo Tegeder and SAERTEX multiCom managing director Kai Diecks also participated, underlining the importance of the project.

noventum consulting supported the SharePoint project with a mixed team of Microsoft experts, Dina Sibai as agile project manager and Kai Gräwe as technology expert.

SharePoint online technology is the contemporary tool for collaboration in the company

With a new intranet and document management system based on Microsoft SharePoint Online technology, SAERTEX multiCom is pushing ahead with its digitalisation strategy. The goals for SharePoint use were derived from this digitisation strategy:
  • Reduction of redundant data
  • Optimisation of communication
  • Transparency
  • Decentralised control
  • Networking of systems --> no isolated solutions
    • Strengthen employees in their daily work
    • Build digital skills for employees
    • Creating the prerequisite for workflows
    • Contribute to value creation through digitalisation
In the first stage, the intranet for SAERTEX multiCom was set up. The location in the USA was taken along as a technical test balloon in order to test and secure the future worldwide use of SharePoint.

The "SAERTEX multiCom Intranet" project was successfully completed in September 2022. In the meantime, all areas of SAERTEX multiCom at the Saerbeck site are represented on the intranet and SAERTEX is also active with many areas. SAERTEX multiCom is currently preparing the groundwork for the international rollout so that further locations can be added. Further expansion stages are planned for the future, which the company will implement with its own forces.

Read the complete article on nc360°, the news platform of noventum consulting GmbH
  • The project
  • Pilot groups and key users
  • Project steps in keywords
  • SharePoint projects - agile and motivating

noventum consulting GmbH

noventum consulting GmbH is an international IT management consultancy.

Founded in 1996 in Münster, today noventum is represented in Münster and Düsseldorf with more than 100 employees. An independent noventum partner company works in Luxembourg.

The managing partner is Uwe Rotermund.

noventum consulting supports its customers in their IT challenges and in their efforts for a modern corporate culture.

Customers are DAX companies as well as medium-sized companies and organizations with a large IT infrastructure.

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