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pmdtechnologies ag Martinshardt 19 57074 Siegen, Deutschland http://www.pmdtec.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Sabrina Buxbaum +49 271 238538800
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pmdtechnologies ag

pmdtechnologies showcases new 3D depth sensing imager IRS238XC and smallest 3D camera worldwide at CES 2018

The imager has been jointly developed by pmd and Infineon Technologies AG and addresses the rapidly growing market for 3D depth sensing

(PresseBox) (Siegen, Germany / Las Vegas, USA, )
pmdtechnologies ag announced today that it will showcase its new 3D imager IRS238XC for the first time at CES in Las Vegas. The imager has been jointly developed by pmd and Infineon Technologies AG and addresses the rapidly growing market for 3D depth sensing. The demand for depth sensing in smartphones is significantly increasing since the launch of the iPhone X, which uses depth sensing technology for user facing applications like animojis or face authentication (FaceID).

As pmd’s 3D depth sensing technology has gained significant market access by being integrated in already launched devices like smartphones, AR headsets, intelligent home devices or robots, pmd has learned valuable lessons about market requirements and therefore the IRS238XC takes Time-of-Flight 3D cameras where the market expects integrable depth sensing to be.

The ease of the camera module layout and integration has been significantly improved by integrating dedicated functions to support the laser class 1 compliance of 3D depth sensing camera modules. The integrated MIPI interface and integrated digital logic make it easy and convenient to operate the 3D camera module. The IRS238XC features in each pixel the Suppression of Background Illumination (SBI) circuitry, which enables robust outdoor depth sensing in full sunlight. Additionally the 38.000 pixels of the IRS238XC provide a higher resolution than any existing integrable 3D depth sensing chip and are tuned to work also at 940nm wavelength to further improve outdoor operation.
Last but not least, reference camera modules for the IRS238XC, which are shown in pmd’s Suite at CES, are showcasing a footprint of 12mm x 8mm, including imager, lens, IR emitter and all relevant circuitries and therefore are the smallest 3D camera modules available worldwide.

“Having gained experience from shipping ToF chip products already since 2005 and from 2016 also in the consumer space for high numbers, we are happy to leverage the technology on the next level having a functional, highly-integrated new imager available at exactly the right point of time, as the market demand is increasing significantly,” says Dr. Bernd Buxbaum, CEO of pmdtechnologies.

The IRS238XC is addressing the demand for 3D depth sensing cameras for face authentication, for which software partners of pmd and Infineon offer corresponding application software. Notwithstanding, the IRS238XC is expected to be adopted for other devices like AR/VR headsets, robots, drones and intelligent home devices as well. Samples of the IRS238XC are already available and mass production is scheduled to start in Q4 2018. Requests are possible and more info available at Infineon.com/real3.

Established module maker partners, who have already proven that 3D cameras using imagers from pmd and Infineon can be produced in volumes with high yield and a most stable once-in-a-lifetime calibration, will also be available for taking modules, which use the new IRS238XC, to volume production accordingly.

To get a first glimpse of the revolutionary chip and the smallest 3D camera module worldwide, visit pmd at CES 2018, Westgate Hospitality Suites 1310, Tech East. For meeting requests use events@pmdtec.com.

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pmdtechnologies ag

About pmdtechnologies ag
pmdtechnologies ag, a fabless IC company based in Siegen/Germany and San Jose/USA, is the worldwide leading 3D Time-of-Flight CMOS-based digital imaging technology supplier. Started up in 2002, the company owns over 200 worldwide patents concerning pmd-based applications, the pmd measurement principle and its realization. Addressed markets for pmd's 3D sensors are industrial automation, automotive and the wide field of consumer applications like AR/VR.

Further information is available at www.pmdtec.com.

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