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Story Box-ID: 896050

ProMinent GmbH Im Schuhmachergewann 5-11 69123 Heidelberg, Deutschland http://www.prominent.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Michael Birmelin +49 6221 842270
Logo der Firma ProMinent GmbH

ProMinent: metering systems DULCODOS® F&B

Compact and ready-wired

(PresseBox) (Heidelberg, )
ProMinent is presenting ready-wired metering systems Dulcodos F&B on Stand B70/078 in Hall 10.2 at Anuga FoodTec 2018, which runs between 20 and 23 March 2018. These metering systems have been specifically developed for the food and beverage sector and are used to meter cleaning agents, disinfectants and additives, as well as additives and auxiliary agents with ultimate precision. They correspond to the fields of application of Directive (EC) No. 1935/2004.

The metering systems Dulcodos F&B are modular in design and their ready-wired, compact construction guarantees fast, simple installation and flexible, practical process integration. Individual parts and components can be quickly and easily replaced, thanks to the uniform basic construction of the stations, with standardised components also guaranteeing simple stocking of spare parts and short delivery times.

These metering systems are versatile, can be used in the most diverse applications and can be individually adapted to specific customer requirements, thanks to the range of optional accessories, like splash guards, manometers, flushing connectors etc.

All components in contact with media correspond to the fields of application of Directive (EC) 1935/2004. They can also cope with the most diverse applications in terms of capacity, as the required metering pumps can be equipped with appropriate adapters without the need to change the existing pipework. Proven ProMinent solenoid pumps Beta® or gamma/ X and motor-driven metering pumps Sigma can be used, depending on the application.

All materials used in the metering pumps which come into contact with media comply with the US FDA guidelines (PTFE: 21 CFR §177.1550 and PVDF: 21 CFR §177.2510). They are approved for contact with foodstuffs and can be safely used in the food, beverage and cosmetics industries.

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ProMinent GmbH

For more than 55 years, the ProMinent Group has been a manufacturer of components and systems in the field of fluid metering as well as a reliable solution partner for water treatment.

Based on innovative products, comprehensive expertise in process technology and distinct application orientation, practical solutions are developed for customer-specific requirements. Thereby, ProMinent supports its customers worldwide with regard to safety, efficiency and environmental compatibility.

The Group is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany. About 2,500 employees in 51 own sales, production and service companies as well as further representations guarantee service and availability in around 100 countries.

In addition to the treatment of public drinking and waste water, the key sectors include chemical industry, industrial water treatment, food and beverage industry, treatment of swimming pool water, oil and gas industry and process industry.

The extensive product portfolio consists of components such as metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, measuring and control technology and sensors for water parameters; products for water treatment such as metering systems for polymers as well as complete metering systems and accessories such as chemical storage containers and transfer pumps. For the process and plant technology used in the oil, gas and energy sectors, the Group provides process metering pumps and plants from its own production.

Furthermore ProMinent offers a broad portfolio of environmentally friendly and economic water treatment and disinfection processes with highest efficiency.

The product range comprises chlorine dioxide plants, chlorine gas metering systems, electrolysis systems, UV systems, ozone systems as well as systems for membrane filtration.

In order to be a dependable long-term partner for its customers, the Group is investing constantly both in product innovation and in state-of-the-art manu-facturing processes with a high level of in-house production. 11 worldwide production facilities guarantee a consistently high standard of quality, flexibility and delivery reliability.

More detailed information is available at www.prominent.com

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