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Story Box-ID: 1084108

QUANTRON AG Koblenzer Straße 2 86368 Gersthofen, Deutschland http://www.quantron.net
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Stephanie Miller +49 821 7898400
Logo der Firma QUANTRON AG

Electric offensive of the city of Meersburg starts with a zero-emission vehicle from QUANTRON into a more emission-free (greener) future

(PresseBox) (Gersthofen, )
  • The city of Meersburg acquires a fully electric transporter from Quantron AG for sustainable gastro-logistics.
  • The "Meersburg electrifies" project aims to raise awareness of the impact of vehicle emissions and the relevance of zero-emission commercial vehicles.
  • QUANTRON markets the environmentally friendly Q-Light with all-electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell drive systems.
The city of Meersburg is launching the development of CO2-free logistics. Their new project "Meersburg electrifies" aims to create awareness for zero-emission commercial vehicles and at the same time educate about the impact of vehicle emissions on the environment. With the purchase of an emission-free van from QUANTRON, the city of Meersburg is setting a good example. The all-electric Q-Light is now supplying the gastronomy in Meersburg and the surrounding area through the project partner and gastro-logistics company Geyer Food Konzept.

At the event on Saturday 23 October, the vehicle was ceremoniously handed over to the city of Meersburg. The mayor, Robert Scherer, explained: "We were looking for a company and finally found it in QUANTRON, which converted a standard diesel truck into a fully electric vehicle for us, because such vehicles were not available from German manufacturers.“

The Q-Light is ideal for delivery services in daily city traffic. Thanks to the all-electric drive, it is not only emission-free, but also quiet on the road. This means that the van can also be used at the edge of the day and at night. The special feature of the vehicle is that the body has its own HV batteries, which means that the range of the vehicle is not reduced by the cooling capacity of the body. Due to different body options, the vehicle is suitable for flexible use in a wide variety of areas. Quantron AG also sells the Q-Light as a hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

Christoph Wede, Head of Sales Trucks & Bus EMEA at Quantron AG, congratulated the city of Meersburg and the company Geyer Food Konzept on their sustainable approach: "By switching to zero-emission transport, the city of Meersburg is sending an important signal for an environmentally conscious and green future. We at QUANTRON are pleased to be able to contribute to this change with our environmentally friendly Q-Light BEV.“

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Quantron AG is a system provider of clean battery and hydrogen-powered e-mobility for commercial vehicles such as trucks, buses and vans. In addition to new electric vehicles, the wide range of services offered by the innovation forge includes the electrification of used and existing vehicles, the creation of individual overall concepts including the appropriate charging infrastructure as well as rental, financing and leasing offers and driver training. Quantron AG also sells batteries and integrated customized electrification concepts to manufacturers of commercial vehicles, machinery, and intralogistics vehicles. The German company from Augsburg in Bavaria is a pioneer and innovation driver for e-mobility in passenger, transport and freight traffic. It has a network of 700 service partners and the comprehensive knowledge of qualified experts in the fields of power electronics and battery technology, through its cooperation with CATL, the world's largest battery producer. Quantron AG, as a high-tech spin-off of the renowned Haller GmbH, combines 138 years of commercial vehicle experience with state-of-the-art e-mobility know-how.

Every day, Quantron AG researches e-vehicles and zero-emission drive technologies to make them even more efficient and economical, thus making a significant contribution to sustainable, environmentally friendly passenger and freight transport.

You can find more information at www.quantron.net
Visit the Quantron AG on its social media channels on LinkedIn and YouTube.

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