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Story Box-ID: 882517

Radio Frequency Systems GmbH Kabelkamp 20 30179 Hannover, Deutschland http://www.rfsworld.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Lea Gahl +49 511 67655140
Logo der Firma Radio Frequency Systems GmbH
Radio Frequency Systems GmbH

RFS Showcases its CPR-Compliant Cables for the First Time at the PMRExpo in Cologne

(PresseBox) (Hannover, )
Radio Frequency Systems (RFS), a global designer and manufacturer of cable, antennas and indoor coverage systems, offers CPR-compliant cables for the highest fire protection classifications. At PMRExpo in Cologne, RFS will showcase its comprehensive range of products for the first time.

The Construction Products Regulation, CPR, has been in effect since July 1st 2017. It provides a common safety standard for fixed cables in buildings of all kinds. The regulation makes it easier for product purchasers to compare different suppliers in different countries and to ensure that the products comply with the strict fire safety standards.

Since its inception date, RFS is the only company in Europe to offer premium jacket material for the highest fire protection classifications according to CPR – in addition to its existing range of products. From the beginning, RFS has taken a two-pronged approach to CPR: on the one hand, the entire product range has been certified in accordance with the requirements; on the other hand, a completely new premium jacket option has been developed. RFS is proud to offer premium cables for the highest possible fire protection classification as well as those for less demanding applications.

RFS will present both its CPR-compliant RADIAFLEX® and CELLFLEX® cable offerings in Cologne. RADIAFLEX® is the world’s leading leaking feeder cable solution. The cables provide contoured RF coverage, making them a scalable and practical means of tailoring RF coverage, even in the most challenging confined indoor spaces. In contrast, CELLFLEX® cables are the industry’s most advanced transmission-line family. The foam-dielectric cables provide premium attenuation and low loss in a remarkably flexible and high-strength cable.

RFS at the PMRExpo in Cologne

To meet international standards and offer our customer the most comprehensive offering, RFS’ entire cable portfolio has been CPR certified. Learn more about RFS’s products and solutions at the PMRExpo in Cologne from November 28th to 30th at booth B28.

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