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Story Box-ID: 1216796

Rheinmetall AG Rheinmetall Platz 1 40476 Düsseldorf, Deutschland http://www.rheinmetall.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Oliver Hoffmann +49 211 4734748
Logo der Firma Rheinmetall AG

Rheinmetall Electronics UK at DVD2024: More Modern, More Lethal and More Productive

DVD2024 takes place at UTAC Millbrook on 18th and 19th September 2024 with the focus on delivering a More Modern, More Lethal and a More Productive Army

(PresseBox) (Düsseldorf, )
  • REUK is exhibiting at DVD at UTAC Millbrook 18th& 19th September
  • Trailblazer, SB360 & Skyranger on show 
DVD2024 takes place at UTAC Millbrook on 18th and 19th September 2024 with the focus on delivering a More Modern, More Lethal and a More Productive Army. Rheinmetall Electronics UK will be presenting a wide range of products, including Trailblazer, Skyranger 35 C-SAT and SHORAD turret, Skyblazer 360 Drone and Air threat detection system and the new ACE-AR Headset.

Rheinmetall Electronics UK has recently seen a surge in orders and price requests for a wide range of capabilities. Trailblazer driver and platform situation awareness system is just one product from Rheinmetall Electronics UK which will ensure the UK has a sustained military advantage in a digital age. Trailblazer is a unique driver and platform vision system which improves driver and crew effectiveness by extending the field of view beyond the daylight spectrum, even in adverse weather, obscured or low-light conditions. High-reliability features, compliant with safety integrity levels, enhance tactical mobility and detect threats to crews and their platforms. It is easy to integrate and GVA compatible.

DVD also sees the launch of Rheinmetall Electronics UK’s Augmented Combat Environment Augmented Reality (ACE-AR) headset. ACE-AR is the head-mounted display technology for land domain vehicle crews - resolving many of the challenges related to providing 360-degree situational awareness in restricted and space-constrained vehicle cabins, without inducing eye fatigue or nausea. This solution supports the standard operating procedures and allows a direct view of critical functionally safe equipment whilst offering, indirect vision (including tactical and synthetic information and camera views)

You can see the products in action at DVD at Rheinmetall’s stand OR-15 and meet our expert team to discuss how Rheinmetall Electronics UK’s products can help shape the battlefield of the future.

Notes to editors
Rheinmetall Electronics UK delivers high-performance embedded electronic solutions and operates from their headquarters based in the south of England.

Rheinmetall Electronics UK provides Mission Systems to government, defence, security and communications customers. The offering includes Driver Vision and Situational Awareness systems for armoured vehicles, long-range surveillance video processors and products for Ground Based Air Defence, Simulation and Training, Electronic Warfare and Cyber applications.


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