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Story Box-ID: 1088006

Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15 81671 München, Deutschland http://www.rohde-schwarz.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Patrizia Mühlbauer +49 89 412913818

From the lab to the proving ground: Rohde & Schwarz and Audi cooperate on Cellular-V2X road traffic scenario testing

(PresseBox) (Munich, )
Rohde & Schwarz and Audi partner to enable Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) application testing; creating road traffic scenarios in the laboratory and using the same traffic scenarios to conduct end-to-end testing on the Audi proving ground with an R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester.

Cellular-V2X (C-V2X) is a key technology which will increase traffic efficiency, improve road safety and enhance autonomous driving in the coming years. Of particular importance is the C-V2X PC5 interface, operating in the 5.9 GHz ITS frequency band. This enables direct, reliable, low latency communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles and infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles and pedestrians (V2P).

To accelerate the deployment of this technology, cooperation between companies within the industry becomes increasingly important. In a joint project with Audi, Rohde & Schwarz and Vector Informatik have developed a C-V2X test solution that allows traffic scenarios involving multiple simulated vehicles and the communications between them to be tested in the laboratory in a precise and repeatable way. This enables the correct operation of C-V2X applications such as emergency brake warning in realistic and demanding traffic scenarios to be verified in the laboratory. Jointly with Audi, the laboratory solution was extended for use at the proving ground. This enabled the verification of several scenarios with one single physical vehicle and many simulated vehicles emulated by the Rohde & Schwarz test equipment.

The key benefits of this approach are the use of the same test equipment in both locations and reducing the number of vehicles required for the proving ground. This test approach allowed Audi to perform various load tests and corner case scenarios using test vehicles and simulated vehicles together at the proving ground. The excellent co-operation between the teams facilitated co-development of this innovative C-V2X test setup, helping to reduce time to market and saving capital expenditure.

The system comprises an R&S CMW500 wideband radio communication tester, an R&S SMBV100B vector signal generator (laboratory only), the Vector CANoe Car2x software, an R&S BBA150 amplifier and an R&S HF918 antenna with a tripod and adapter. This system is easily capable of generating signals with up to 33dBm output power, which is required for emergency vehicles in certain markets. Synchronization of the simulated vehicles and the test vehicle at the proving ground with real GNSS sources allows verification of complex traffic scenarios in real time.

As C-V2X continues to increase its footprint in the automotive industry, having a test system which scales into different phases of the automotive verification cycle becomes increasingly important to reduce time to market and minimize capital expenditure. Rohde & Schwarz is committed to supporting their partners in the automotive industry with innovative C-V2X test solutions in the coming years.

For more information about Rohde & Schwarz automotive test solutions, visit www.rohde-schwarz.com/automotive

Automotive test solutions – Test it. Trust it.
As a leading worldwide provider of test and measurement software, instruments and systems, Rohde & Schwarz employs its technical expertise to develop innovative solutions for the entire automotive lifecycle from predevelopment to production. OEMs, tier 1s, chip suppliers and engineering service providers around the world rely on the company's proven test solutions for automotive radar, connectivity, infotainment, high-performance computing and EMC compliance. With innovative solutions for radar tests in development, integration production, Rohde & Schwarz supports its customers as a reliable partner for the launch of next-generation ADAS and AD systems. The company's many years of experience and expertise in wireless communications ensure robust connectivity conforming to all standards from 5G and C-V2X to UWB, Wi-Fi and GNSS. Rohde & Schwarz instruments enable the development and debugging of in-vehicle networks with leading-edge bus speeds as well as ECUs such as high-performance domain controllers, and help to eliminate EMC issues. Rohde & Schwarz also offers T&M equipment and custom turnkey test systems for carrying out EMI and EMS measurements on vehicles and vehicle components in line with all major CISPR, ISO and manufacturer-specific EMC standards. These systems and equipment support full vehicle antenna testing and wireless coexistence testing with the user's own systems and instruments. The company also offers outstanding solutions at the component and board level tests during ECU production. Partners and customers around the world use these test solutions to ensure automotive components and systems function correctly, interact flawlessly and smoothly and communicate faultlessly with the outside world.

R&S® is a registered trademark of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.

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Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

The Rohde & Schwarz technology group is among the trailblazers when it comes to paving the way for a safer and connected world with its leading solutions in test & measurement, technology systems, and networks & cybersecurity. Founded more than 85 years ago, the group is a reliable partner for industry and government customers around the globe. On June 30, 2021, Rohde & Schwarz had around 13,000 employees worldwide. The independent group achieved a net revenue of EUR 2.34 billion in the 2020/2021 fiscal year (July to June). The company is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

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