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Story Box-ID: 1017456

Rohmann GmbH Carl-Benz-Str. 23 67227 Frankenthal, Deutschland http://www.rohmann.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Annett Wieduwilt 06233 3789-280
Logo der Firma Rohmann GmbH

Eddy current testing instrument for track inspection for global use

The Rohmann trolley is suitable for different track gauges

(PresseBox) (Frankenthal, )
The WPG D340 trolley brings eddy current onto the rail, so they say at Rohmann GmbH, based in Frankenthal, Germany. The specialist in non-destructive testing now supplies this successful product all over the world.

While the trolley has so far been manufactured individually for different track gauges, Rohmann GmbH now offers an adjustable version in addition, for a more universal use with track gauges from 1,400 to 1,700 mm. This may not only please the railway companies, but also their service partners who maintain the tracks. A trolley that has been manufactured for the German track system can now also be used for the inspection of rails abroad, which of course saves costs.

The scope of delivery includes among other items a four-channel eddy current testing instrument and a Toughbook with the pre-installed EloRail evaluation software, which has also been developed by Rohmann. This software makes it possible to acquire the measurement data with their exact position and to record and archive the test results. The special eddy current probes make it possible to detect defects such as squats and other cracks and to detect and evaluate head checks. Via the patented magnetic holder the trolley, which is suitable for switches, is guided smoothly and accurately along the railhead to be tested and can be quickly and easily removed from the tracks when necessary.

The Rohmann trolley is manufactured from ultra-light carbon fiber. One person is sufficient for assembly and disassembly, which requires only little time and no tools or other auxiliaries. One training day in the head office in Frankenthal is included in the scope of delivery, so that the client can become fully familiarized with the operation of the system.

Rohmann GmbH

ROHMANN GmbH is a leading German manufacturer of eddy current testing equipment and systems for non-destructive material testing (NDT). Since 1977 the family-owned company based in Frankenthal, Palatinate, has been developing, producing and selling testing equipment and systems that are used today worldwide in crack, heat treatment, material mix-up and grinding burn testing for well-known companies in the aerospace, automotive, rail, energy (e.g. power plants, renewable energies) and steel industries. In addition to small manual testing devices, the range also includes line devices and handling systems that are completely integrated into the production process, as well as highly complex robot-based testing systems that perform the most demanding testing tasks with the highest quality and precision.

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