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Story Box-ID: 1157111

ROWA GROUP Holding GmbH Siemensstraße 1-9 25421 Pinneberg, Deutschland http://www.rowa-group.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Jörk Krumwiede +49 4101 706124

Simple, precise - impressive!

ROWA Lack: A growing demand for PMMA dye preparations

(PresseBox) (Pinneberg, )
ROWA Lack continues to make its mark in the field of ROWALID® PMMA dye preparations and underlines the company ambitions in this market segment with its product range policy. The ROWALID® preparations are not only a permanent fixture on the market, but are also characterized by steadily growing demand. By using the ROWALID® preparations, customers are provided with a modular system for designing their own coloristic objectives.

ROWALID® ACN-F grades comprise highly concentrated single dye preparations that are incorporated in a PMMA carrier system. A special production process is used to manufacture ROWALID® preparations, which aims to achieve a maximum degree of distribution of the dyes that cannot be attained with conventional dispersion methods. The “micropowder” dosage form in a defined particle size range not only enables a wide spectrum of compatibility, but the additive-free dye dispersions also guarantee a high level of color strength and transparency.

In a commercial environment that is becoming increasingly complex and requires highly sophisticated procedures, the straightforward processing of the products represents a significant advantage. In contrast to the use of pure colorants, no complex handling is necessary to achieve optimum distribution with maximum color strength.

With the ROWALID® ACN-F preparations, ROWA Lack provides a standard range of color shades with outstanding properties. In cooperation with the customers, ROWA Lack is also happy to develop project-specific customized preparations based on individual requirements. Various dye grades and dye contents can be selected to meet specific requirements.


The ROWA Lack GmbH was established in 1958 and is a partner in the ROWA GROUP of companies. The brand ROWA stands for technical competence, modern product design and customer oriented service the world over. Tailored customer solutions are part of the ROWA tradition and are a matter of course! The development of new products, the search for alternative raw materials and the constant and sustained optimization of our processes, coupled with modern technology, motivated employees and economical environment protection enjoy the highest priority in our company. In 2010 the ROWA GmbH has been renamed into the ROWA GROUP Holding GmbH and the departments Masterbatch and Lack were newly formed as ROWA Masterbatch GmbH und ROWA Lack GmbH specialist division: Special Lacquer Systems and Top Coats.

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