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Story Box-ID: 920404

SEPA EUROPE GmbH Hartheimer Str. 6 / Gewerbepark Breisgau 79427 Eschbach, Deutschland http://www.sepa-europe.com
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Robert Cap +49 7634 59459215
Logo der Firma SEPA EUROPE GmbH

Varied selection of guards with quick delivery guarantee

To enhance safety, SEPA EUROPE offers guards for axial fans in every required dimension

(PresseBox) (Eschbach, )
SEPA EUROPE, the experts for customized cooling solutions meets the highest expectations with its wide range of guards for axial fans.

Modern high-performance fans operate at high speeds which increase the risk of injury. To enhance safety, SEPA EUROPE offers guards for axial fans in every required dimension.

The well-designed guards of SEPA EUROPE are not only extremely stable but also improve the appearance of each fan. The high-quality surface (chrome-plated, powder-coated, zinc-plated or pure stainless steel V2A or V4A) stands for a longer service life and extensive protection against corrosion. We perfect the product with excellent finishing and a flawless surface without sharp edges.

Additional advantage: The guards of SEPA EUROPE are aerodynamically optimized so that the fans can operate with optimum efficiency.

A further advantage is the simple mounting by screwing to the fan. It is not absolutely necessary to mount the finger guards directly on the fan as they can also be mounted directly on the fan housing irrespective of the size.

The standard guard sizes are available in 25 mm to 220 mm diameter in chrome-plated steel. Each required dimension is available in correspondingly large numbers.

SEPA EUROPE can offer maximum delivery reliability for the guards as standard guards are as a rule available immediately in large numbers ex stock.

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SEPA EUROPE has more than 25 years experience in electronic cooling. We aim at convincing our customers with our extensive product range. This not only includes axial and radial fans but also chip coolers and a wide range of accessories, e.g. finger guards, AC connection cables and dust-proof grids. Our passion for fans is reflected in the development of special customized solutions ranging from ready-for connection, assembled fans with customer-specific lead lengths and connectors, picked goods in sales-oriented packaging to complete customer-specific fans. We offer tailor-made solutions to meet your exact requirements, e.g. fan/heat sink combinations with heat pipes or Peltier elements. We address new challenges and always find the appropriate solution.

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