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Story Box-ID: 1240754

FSKZ e. V. Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22 97076 Würzburg, Deutschland https://www.skz.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Pia Lehnfeld +49 931 4104197
Logo der Firma FSKZ e. V.

Insight into multi-shift systems

Measuring layer structures with terahertz technology

(PresseBox) (Würzburg, )
Modern packaging solutions for food aim to ensure a longer shelf life as well as the protection and freshness of the products - while minimizing the carbon footprint. The growing demands on packaging systems are leading to increasing complexity, which is reflected in multilayer films. These multilayer systems are not only found in food packaging, but also in various technical applications such as coatings and products from multi-component injection molding and coextrusion.

A crucial aspect in the production and control of multi-layer systems is the precise monitoring of the layer thickness in order to ensure the desired functionality and quality. However, the measuring systems used to date are often destructive, time-consuming and cost-intensive.

In this context, terahertz technology opens up new horizons. It uses electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz range, which achieves a high resolution and accuracy in coating thickness measurement. The non-contact, non-destructive and non-hazardous nature of this technology means that terahertz signals reflected from different coatings can be compared with known physical effects. This allows precise statements to be made about the thickness of each individual layer, with an accuracy in the micrometer range.

Based on its many years of expertise in measurement technology and plastics processing, the SKZ enables customer-specific, user-independent and automated testing.

As a member of the Zuse community, the SKZ actively contributes to the further development of testing technologies, supports the industry in strengthening its competitiveness and focuses on innovative solutions that meet today's requirements.

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FSKZ e. V.

The SKZ is climate protection company and a member of the Zuse Association. This is an association of independent, industry-related research institutions that pursue the goal of improving the performance and competitiveness of industry, especially SMEs, through innovation and networking.

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