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Story Box-ID: 1184442

FSKZ e. V. Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 22 97076 Würzburg, Deutschland https://www.skz.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Andreas Grzeskowiak +49 5171 9409962
Logo der Firma FSKZ e. V.

SKZ site in Peine looks forward to training year 2024

Interview with site manager Andreas Grzeskowiak on the outlook for the new year

(PresseBox) (Würzburg / Peine, )
Andreas Grzeskowiak took over as Site Manager of the SKZ Plastics Center in Peine in mid-2023. In this interview, he looks back on the first six months in his new position, talks about initial highlights and future plans, and dares to look ahead to 2024.

SKZ: "Andreas, you've been in office for a little over 150 days now. The end of the year is approaching - a good time to look back and look forward. How was your start in the new position?
Andreas Grzekowiak: "What 150 days already? (laughs) Thank you, very good. Of course there have been some new tasks. However, I am and will continue to be involved in the day-to-day business as a coach. The team has given me excellent support so far and we've had a very good year in Peine.

SKZ: What was your highlight?
Grzeskowiak: We had many. In my opinion, the biggest success is that the training center in Norderstedt got off to such a good start. We will continue to train GW welding specialists there next year and hope to continue our successful cooperation with ebero-fab in 2024. In the first year of the training courses in Norderstedt, we did not expect such a high demand. That's why this is definitely a highlight for me. Another highlight was the visit of the Federal Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil, to the student lab and the personal conversation with him. It was interesting to learn about the political perspective on vocational orientation. And not to forget the new Arburg SG machine. The equipment leaves nothing to be desired.

SKZ: What can we look forward to in 2024?
Grzeskowiak: I'm really looking forward to the injection molding training courses - we've recently been able to strengthen our team with a colleague who has a lot of industry experience, which will certainly benefit our customers. We are also seeing a steady increase in demand for DVS training in the US. Next year, we may add courses in Spanish or special topics such as fluoroplastic welding. Of course, we also look forward to participating in the larger events in the region, such as the Hein Technology Day or the Oldenburg Pipe Welding Forum.

SKZ: The current mood in the industry is a bit subdued. Do you expect 2024 to be a difficult year? 
Grzeskowiak: I think 2024 will be a challenging year overall, not just for SKZ. However, we have always had difficult years in the past. However, I think that most companies have realized that the shortage of skilled workers is going to be a problem in the medium and long term, so they are more cautious about cutting back on training. A low is usually followed by a high. I need people who are qualified to produce high-quality products efficiently. That's why I don't expect any major savings in training at the moment. The wealth of knowledge in our industry is too valuable to not produce well. In addition, many companies have to rely on lateral hires who have to build up the expertise first.

SKZ: Thanks a lot and good luck for the future!

About the person: 
Andreas Grzeskowiak, who holds a master's degree in plastics and rubber technology, joined the SKZ team in Peine in 2001. Born in Braunschweig, he worked there for many years as a trainer in injection molding, welding and extrusion. The 48-year-old would like to use his many years of experience to further expand the site.The European Green Deal, with the goal of a completely CO2-neutral EU by 2050, also influences the research areas of the EZD in Selb. Currently, EZD scientists are intensively researching bio-based, sustainable and non-toxic formulations and coatings.

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The SKZ is a member of the Zuse Association. This is an association of independent, industry-related research institutions that pursue the goal of improving the performance and competitiveness of industry, especially SMEs, through innovation and networking.

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