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Story Box-ID: 1110908

SOLARC Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH Glogauer Straße 21 10999 Berlin, Deutschland http://www.solarc.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Dieter Werner +49 30 319855400

SOLARC Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH will for the first time present at Intersolar Europe 2022 the newly in cooperation with the ZHAW developed PV Plant Power Optimizer (PVPO)

(PresseBox) (Berlin, )
SOLARC Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH exhibits at the Intersolar Europe 2022 the newly in cooperation with the ZHAW School of Engineering developed PV Plant Power Optimizer and test rig for long term studies of R&D minimodules.

PVPO is a test rig with miniaturized PV modules offering a complete replication of real PV systems in the field, thus offering the possibilities to optimize the real PV Plant and getting more energy yield.
  • Easy to configurate miniaturized PV plant
  • Optimizing the layout of PV power plants by design tuning
  • Comparison of energy yields of PV power plants by a highly flexible test rig including variation of tilt angle, azimuth, ground cover ratio, underground, fixed/HSAT, bifacial/monofacial.
  • On-site energy yield measurements
  • Comparative long-term studies
You can visit us at Booth A1.532

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SOLARC Innovative Solarprodukte GmbH

SOLARC - First Class Solar Technology!

SOLARC develops, produces and distributes for more than 24 years high-quality, high-technology and innovative low-power photovoltaic devices, solar powered GPS Tracking solutions as well as Luminaires. Our products and services range from simple solar components to complete industrial or consumer products.

We are the right address for those companies seeking an experienced partner to develop and manufacture components for a solar power supply to their product or even a complete new solar powered solution. SOLARC provides complete support, from the first design steps, to the prototype, to the final serial run.

SOLARC concentrates on seven major product categories: Customised solar modules, Solar charge controllers and DC/DC converters, PV plant power optimization, solar powered GPS Tracking solutions Customised new product development as well as the development and production of Luminaires.

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