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Story Box-ID: 926832

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Altman Solon GmbH & Co. KG

How telcos can play a central role in the $15 billion AI market

(PresseBox) (Munich, )
There is an ongoing AI (r)evolution as improved machine learning techniques, which form the most commercially important subset of AI technology, are enabling companies to discover and operationalise previously hidden insights. Increasing data availability and higher processing power are facilitating this evolution, allowing better methods to be used on more data at lower cost. Telecoms operators are well positioned to take advantage of this revolution by optimising their own business activities and acting as “technical” AI platform enablers for other industries, which are expected to spend ~$15bn annually on AI business operations by 2021.

These are the key findings of a new white paper published by Solon Management Consulting, showing the enormous potential for telecommunication operators to play a central role in the AI market.

Mirko René Gramatke, Managing Director at Solon and leader of the firm’s ‘tech-enabled business innovation activities’, says: “Given the challenges of diversifying away from the telecom business, we suggest an incremental approach that allows telcos to grow their AI capabilities without committing excessive capital. Implementing changes that can bring in significant margin expansion does not take a long time as they rely on assets that already exist in successful telecoms operators: data availability, analytics know-how, a strong sales organisation and a results-driven management.”

The authors outline the initial steps to take for telecoms operators to claim their share in this strongly growing market and describe four high priority use cases for AI-based network roll-out planning, customer focused network optimisation, marketing optimisation, AI/advanced analytics guided sales steering.

The white paper “How telcos can play a central role in the $15 billion AI market starting with 4 key use cases” is available to download in English: www.solonstrategy.com.

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Altman Solon GmbH & Co. KG

Solon Management Consulting is advising leading industry clients and investors worldwide in the telecommunications, media, entertainment, online, cloud and technology industries. Solon supports its clients in developing and implementing company strategies, developing new business models, accelerating digitization, optimizing costs and investments as well as accompanying M&A activities from market probing to the closure of transactions. Solon's offices are located in London, Munich and Warsaw as well as - via its partner company Altman Vilandrie & Company - in Boston, New York and San Francisco.

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