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Story Box-ID: 1127087

Swiss Resource Capital AG Poststrasse 1 9100 Herisau, Schweiz http://www.resource-capital.ch
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Jörg Schulte +49 2983 974041

Gold producers are on a good path

(PresseBox) (Herisau, )
Metals Focus, a leading precious metals consultancy, has taken a closer look at the CO2 emissions of gold companies.

For the largest gold mining companies, emissions directly from on-site activities (e.g., vehicle fuels) and emissions indirectly from on-site activities (through purchased electricity) have decreased. The 16 largest gold mining companies saved one percent. The average emissions intensity of gold production fell by about three percent in 2021. This is because measures were taken to reduce emissions as well as improve operational efficiency. Globally, about 3,577 metric tons of gold were produced in 2021. Overall, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), total global CO2 emissions decreased by 0.3 percent.

In terms of reducing water withdrawals, the 16 largest gold mining operations also reduced water withdrawals by five percent in 2021 compared to the previous year. Water consumption fell by 34 percent year-on-year, significantly more than withdrawals. In contrast, tax and royalty payments to governments increased (39 percent). The 16 largest gold companies also increased their spending on local procurement by 32 percent. Strong investments were thus made to advance development and expansion projects.

Not only large gold companies would do well to increase their production volumes. Investors should also bet on gold, because at some point the sideways phase of the gold price will be over and those who are already invested will be happy.

Calibre Mining - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_SZMOr1hWc&t=181s - has prospective exploration and development projects in Nevada, Washington and Nicaragua and will produce an estimated 220,000 to 235,000 ounces of gold this year.

GoldMining - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jPXbyx5DJ0 - manages gold and gold-copper projects in North and South America and also owns more than 20 million shares of Gold Royalty.

Current corporate information and press releases of Calibre Mining (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/de/unternehmen/calibre-mining-corp/ -) and GoldMining (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/de/unternehmen/goldmining-inc/ -).

In accordance with §34 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act) I point out that partners, authors and employees may hold shares of the respective companies addressed and therefore a possible conflict of interest exists. No guarantee for the translation into German. Only the English version of this news is valid.

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