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Story Box-ID: 1140092

Swiss Resource Capital AG Poststrasse 1 9100 Herisau, Schweiz http://www.resource-capital.ch
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Jörg Schulte +49 2983 974041

What snowflakes have to do with tin

(PresseBox) (Herisau, )
Tin should not be undervalued, as it does valuable work in decarbonization and electrification.

As ornaments for the Christmas tree, snowflakes made of tin are available for purchase. Even more interesting are metallic snowflakes grown from nanoparticles. Scientists in Australia and New Zealand are developing new materials, working at the atomic level and manipulating metals such as tin, copper, nickel, platinum and silver. They grew metal crystals in a liquid made of gallium. By chance, tiny metallic snowflakes were created. This research is significant because it is leading to revolutionary discoveries in engineering and technology through nanomaterials. Materials may become lighter, yet stronger, or bind toxins. Gallium, which the researchers used, is incidentally used in semiconductors.

Tin is mainly used in circuit boards for electromobility and is used for green energies. This is because a lot of solder is processed in these areas. This also includes the booming 5G sector, and tin is also found in the food sector or in certain batteries. A strong increase in tin demand is forecast for the future. Tin is found in almost all cable connections, which are joined by soldering. Elements are also soldered onto circuit boards. The tin price has been determined on the London Metal Exchange (LME) since 1877. Five major banks announce the current tin price twice a day. The tin price is always quoted in US dollars per ton. As investments in tin could prove to be very lucrative, it is advisable to take a look at tin companies such as First Tin or Tin One Resources.

First Tin - https://www.commodity-tv.com/play/mining-newsflash-with-first-tin-vizsla-silver-revival-gold-gold-royalty-and-goldmining/ - has projects in Germany and in Australia and aims to develop two tin mines to production readiness within the next three years.

In Tasmania and in New South Wales in Australia, Tin One Resources - https://www.commodity-tv.com/play/tinone-resources-exploration-potential-below-historic-resource-more-drilling-planned/ - is looking for tin. Advanced projects should ensure success in the tin sector.

Current corporate information and press releases from First Tin (- https://www.resource-capital.ch/en/companies/first-tin-plc/ -).

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