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Story Box-ID: 1136966

thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH thyssenkrupp Allee 1 45143 Essen, Deutschland http://www.thyssenkrupp-materials-services.com/de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Lars Bank +49 201 844534416
Logo der Firma thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH
thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH

First award for sustainability strategy: thyssenkrupp Materials Services wins Sustainability Award 2022

(PresseBox) (Essen, )
A year ago thyssenkrupp Materials Services announced its new sustainability strategy "BEYOND" and the goal of operating in a climate-neutral manner by 2030 – around 20 years earlier than originally set. The company has now received the Sustainability Award from the Berlin Institute Supply Chain Management for its strategic approach.

"As the biggest mill-independent materials distributor and service provider in the Western World, we have a responsibility: Our actions have an impact on the climate, our products and services, our employees and society," says Daniel Wodera, CFO of Materials Services, at the Sustainability Congress 2022 in Berlin. "That's why we're taking big steps forward on sustainability to move the entire industry. This can only be done with a clear strategy and the contribution of every single employee. Our approach is cross-functional, agile and closely linked to operations, which is why we have been able to achieve results in a very short time. We are delighted that this approach has now been recognized."

Going beyond – Focus on holistic approach and close cooperation with customers

When it comes to sustainability, thyssenkrupp Materials Services goes beyond the internationally recognized ESG standards. This is because with BEYOND these guidelines are supplemented by ecological, social and economic aspects which are of central importance to the company and the success of its business. To implement this strategy across all 380 sites, the company works with a cross-functional agile team comprising strategy, purchasing, HR, compliance, communications and controlling. In order to keep a constant eye on what can be achieved on this long journey, work is carried out in three-year steps. Close cooperation with the approximately 250,000 customers worldwide is particularly crucial in this process. Daniel Wodera: "In addition to our transformation, we also support our customers in their sustainability goals with green products and services. Because we want to make the entire supply chain sustainable."

About the Award

With the Sustainability Award, the Berlin Institute Supply Chain Management honors groundbreaking strategies for promoting corporate sustainability in the categories R&D, Operations (Logistics & Manufacturing) and Purchasing. Award - Sustainability Congress 2022 (sustainability-kongress.de)

thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH

thyssenkrupp Materials Services is the biggest mill-independent materials distributor and service provider in the Western world with around 380 locations – including around 260 warehouse sites – in more than 30 countries. The versatile range of services offered by the materials experts allows customers to focus even more strongly on their individual core businesses. As part of its strategic further development "Materials as a Service" the company is focusing on the supply of raw materials and materials as well as products and services in the area of supply chain management. Digital solutions ensure efficient and resource-saving processes for customers and thus provide the basis for sustainable action. From 2030 Materials Services will operate on a climate-neutral basis.

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