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Story Box-ID: 1172575

thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG Kaiser-Wilhelm-Str. 100 47166 Duisburg, Deutschland http://www.thyssenkrupp-steel-europe.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Christine Launert +49 203 5247270

High-performance electrical steel for the green transformation in the energy and mobility transition: thyssenkrupp Steel at Coiltech Italia in Pordenone

(PresseBox) (Duisburg, )
  • As one of the leading manufacturers of high-performance electrical steel, thyssenkrupp Steel is shaping the green transformation in the energy and mobility transition
  • Experts from thyssenkrupp Steel invite you to experience the company's latest products and services for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and e-mobility solutions on September 20 and 21, 2023 in Pordenone, Italy.
  • Hall 5, Booth B08
Coiltech Italia 2023, an international meeting place for professionals in the coil and winding industry, is just coming up and thyssenkrupp Steel, as one of the leading manufacturers of high-tech electrical steel, will present its latest products and services. The trade fair, which is taking place for the 14th time, will be held in Pordenone, Italy, on September 20 and 21, 2023.

The focus of the thyssenkrupp Steel booth B08 in Hall 5 at Coiltech Italia will be on the pioneering products of the powercore® brand and the services that revolve around electromobility, electric motors, generators and transformers. As one of the leading manufacturers of high-tech electrical steel, thyssenkrupp Steel is contributing to shaping the green transformation in the energy and mobility transition.

Premium producer of grain oriented and non-grain oriented electrical steel

Sustainable products from thyssenkrupp Steel play a key role in various areas of the energy and mobility industries. In wind turbines they are used in generators to reliably convert mechanical energy into electricity. In transformers they enable efficient energy transport and supply. In addition, they provide economical and efficient drive in electric motors. As a premium manufacturer of grain-oriented electrical steel products under the powercore® brand for the transformer industry and non-grain-oriented electrical steel products under the powercore® brand for wind turbine generators, thyssenkrupp Steel is one of the leading international suppliers.

Volker Kamen, Head of Sales NO Electrical Steel at thyssenkrupp Steel, commented ahead of the event: "We are proud to be able to present our latest developments at Coiltech Italia. Our products contribute to driving the energy and mobility transition, and we look forward to presenting our innovations to an international audience."

Marcel Hilgers, Head of Sales at thyssenkrupp Electrical Steel, added: "Coiltech Italia offers a great platform to connect with other industry experts, exchange ideas and explore potential partnerships. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and expertise with our visitors."

Coiltech Italia for the 14th time

Coiltech Italia 2023 will gather more than 400 exhibitors in 5 exhibition halls and will offer experts from the coil and winding industry the opportunity to get to know the latest products, materials and machinery for the production of electric motors, generators, transformers and e-mobility solutions.

Interested visitors are warmly invited to visit the thyssenkrupp Steel booth at Coiltech Italia 2023, Hall 5, Booth B08, to find out more about the company's innovative solutions in the field of electromobility and energy conversion.

Website Promotion

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