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Story Box-ID: 1193226

Trotec Laser GmbH Freilinger Straße 99 4614 Marchtrenk, Österreich http://www.troteclaser.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Nadine Schall
Logo der Firma Trotec Laser GmbH

Trotec presents product innovation and other product highlights at drupa in Düsseldorf

(PresseBox) (Marchtrenk, )
Trotec, an important player in the field of laser technology, will be presenting an absolute product innovation and current product highlights live at drupa from May 28th to June 7th. In hall 12, at stand E33, visitors can look forward to exciting practical applications implemented with laser technology.

Sustainability meets precision

Under the motto "Shaping today, preserving tomorrow", future-oriented laser cutting technology will be demonstrated to show visitors how precision and sustainability are combined in Trotec laser solutions. Particularly in the printing industry, a contactless, wear-free laser process is a decisive advantage for achieving quickly reproducible and versatile results without time-consuming post-processing.

New product debuts at drupa

A new laser cutting machine will be the special attraction at the Trotec stand. This new product has been specifically developed for use in the printing industry and is now being introduced for the first time at drupa. "The presentation of our new laser cutting machine at drupa is an exciting milestone that reflects the passion and commitment of our employees for laser technology. We look forward to introducing this innovative solution to the international printing industry and invite you to explore its many features in person" says Peter Kratky, CEO of Trotec Laser GmbH.

New laser cutting machine: focus on industry-specific functions

The new laser machine enables environmentally friendly cutting and engraving of material heights of up to 50 mm. With the maximum processing speed of the 450 watt laser source, a wide range of applications can be processed in the shortest possible time.

The new laser guarantees high machine availability, among other things, thanks to the central monitoring function of Ruby®. This intuitive, universal Trotec laser software allows comprehensive control, monitoring and optimization of all system components - from the laser machine to the extraction system.

To achieve best results throughout the life of a machine is not a dream of the future. The new laser machine features an innovative extraction concept that removes dust, smoke and small parts as they are created. This ensures consistent cutting and engraving results while at the same time guaranteeing sustainable protection of the machine components.

With the revolutionary technology of the new machine, four different applications can be processed simultaneously. The working area can be divided into four sections for different jobs, materials and various material thicknesses. For instance, engraving or Print & Cut applications can be conveniently selected via the laser software Ruby®.

While safety should be considered a standard requirement for every machine, it has not yet been universally established as such. With Trotec machines, safety is a top priority. That is why every trained employee can operate the new laser class 2 machine without an additional laser safety officer or other protective devices. This maximum protection is ensured by the extended safety functions, which set new standards in laser cutting technology for large-format materials.

What product highlights visitors can expect at the Trotec stand:
  • Speedy Series: Using the fastest laser engraving machine currently available, a print & cut application will be demonstrated in the production of a desk organizer.
  • SpeedMarker Series: The precision and speed of the marking laser will be highlighted when marking filigree patterns on paper cards.
  • U300 Laser Marker: The speed of a galvo meets the simplicity of the Ruby® laser software when engraving a personal photo on stainless steel.
  • SP Series: The versatility of the large format laser will be illustrated when cutting cardboard, MDF and printed acrylic in a single application.
  • Laser Software Ruby®: How Ruby® optimizes the workflow from customer inquiry to production will also be demonstrated live on site.

Trotec Laser GmbH

Trotec is a global leader in the field of laser technology and is setting new standards. As part of the TroGroup, the European manufacturer develops, produces and markets laser system solutions for marking, cutting and engraving various materials and substances. Extraction systems and laser materials round off the product portfolio. More than 40,000 systems in 90 countries are supported by 16 Trotec sales subsidiaries and around 700 employees. The export share is 97 percent, the turnover in 2022 is 161 million euros.

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