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Story Box-ID: 1068940

WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG Alexander-Wiegand-Straße 30 63911 Klingenberg, Deutschland http://www.wika.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Andrea Suhrcke +49 9372 1328031

Pre-volume deflagration flame arrester, also with IECEx approval

(PresseBox) (Klingenberg, )
As the only one of its kind so far, the pre-volume deflagration flame arrester for pressure measuring arrangements from WIKA has an IECEx approval in addition to its ATEX approval. It is thus gaining broad international acceptance.

The safety device (model 910.21) fulfils the requirements of the harmonised standard EN ISO 16852:2016 “Flame arresters …”. WIKA combines them with Ex-approved measuring instruments and diaphragm seal systems to form a fixed unit. Such a measuring arrangement is suitable for mounting to zone 0.

The pre-volume deflagration flame arrester prevents a potential passage of the flame from the instrument into the process side, in the event of a failure. A marking on the measuring arrangement indicates the point at which the protected side begins.

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WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG

As a family-run business acting globally, with over 10,200 highly qualified employees, the WIKA group of companies is a worldwide leader in pressure and temperature measurement. The company also sets the standard in the measurement of level and flow, and in calibration technology. Founded in 1946, WIKA is today a strong and reliable partner for all the requirements of industrial measurement technology, thanks to a broad portfolio of high-precision instruments and comprehensive services.

With manufacturing locations around the globe, WIKA ensures flexibility and the highest delivery performance. Every year, over 50 million quality products, both standard and customer-specific solutions, are delivered in batches of 1 to over 10,000 units. With numerous wholly-owned subsidiaries and partners, WIKA competently and reliably supports its customers worldwide. Our experienced engineers and sales experts are your competent and dependable contacts locally.

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