Sustainability and responsibility

For JULABO, ecological, societal and social responsibility are practiced corporate values

As a family business, deeply rooted in one of the most beautiful regions of Germany, we have always focused on sustainability. 

JULABO is now managed by the second generation of the Juchheim family. We think long-term and have the well-being of our society and our environment at heart. 

We therefore promote the sustainable use of natural resources. As an important company and employer in the region, we are also aware of our social responsibility. 

In particular, by sponsoring sporting activities, we promote social interaction and a sense of well-being. Through the completely independent JULABO Foundation, we help community organizations in our neighborhood. 


ESG: For JULABO, sustainability is an important corporate value

Sustainability is achieved when the needs of all people in all areas of life and at all levels are met without jeopardizing natural resources and the well-being of people now and in the future. So it’s not only about resource efficiency and environmental protection, but also about diversity and inclusion, job security and transparent corporate governance. For JULABO, sustainability is a core corporate value that we actively promote and integrate into our business practices. 

The EU summarizes its legislative initiatives and directives for greater sustainability under the key term ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). As a result companies in the EU are increasingly obliged to prepare sustainability reports and create transparency about their ESG practices. By requiring all market participants to report transparently on their efforts towards greater sustainability, it will be easier for all of us - whether as customers, suppliers, investors, or employees - to evaluate companies accordingly.

Ecovadis Silver Medal 2024

JULABO was awarded the silver medal by EcoVadis in 2024 for its outstanding ESG performance. Since 2021, we have been subject to the sustainability rating of the internationally renowned evaluation platform and have been awarded a medal every year.

Following our bronze medal in 2023, we are now even among the top 15 percent of companies rated by EcoVadis across the industry thanks to our continuous improvements. Performance is assessed in the areas of environment, ethics, human and labor rights and sustainable procurement.

We were upgraded to silver level thanks to our proactive communication of the Code of Conduct to customers and suppliers, our ISO14001 certification, our own generation of renewable energy and our exemplary handling of waste and hazardous substances, among other things.

Environment and climate

JULABO is future-oriented and therefore committed to the environment. This is already visible on the roofs of our headquarters in Seelbach: since the end of 2007, we have been using our photovoltaic system to produce electricity that is fed into the grid. All consumers of this electricity save a total of 62 tons of CO2 per year. JULABO itself obtains 100% of its electrical energy from ecological sources.
JULABO is gradually renewing its fleet of cars - in favor of vehicles with electric drives that can be charged at the company's charging stations in Seelbach. We have many exercise enthusiasts in our workforce who take part in our job bike program and thus reduce their personal CO2 emissions. We even take ecological aspects into account when transporting our products: as early as the packaging stage and then throughout the subsequent shipping process.

The ecological footprint of temperature control technology

A significant part of our impact on the environment arises during the manufacture of our products. This is where we use modern and environmentally-friendly production processes and technologies to minimize our ecological footprint. Other investments and procurement are assessed for their environmental impact. We work continuously to improve our resource efficiency. In addition to production materials, this also applies to the economical use of natural resources such as water.

The ecological footprint of our temperature control units includes not only the way they are manufactured but above all the way they are operated by our customers. Here, for example, we set standards for the highest energy efficiency with our latest generation of refrigerated circulators. The following technical article describes how up to 70 percent of energy can be saved in many temperature control applications in everyday laboratory work:

Use of environmentally friendly refrigerants

The EU’s efforts to improve climate protection include a gradual reduction in the quantities of fluorinated greenhouse gasses available on the market. A corresponding regulation, known in specialist circles as the F-Gas Directive, regulates, for example, the threshold values for environmental compatibility in terms of ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global warming potential (GWP).

As a future-oriented manufacturer, JULABO consistently utilizes natural and therefore environmentally friendly refrigerants in all new product developments. In doing so, we actively contributing to climate-friendly, future-proof temperature control around the globe.

Corporate and social responsibility

JULABO promotes sport in the region

Regular exercise not only improves our physical condition, but also strengthens our mental well-being. Sport can inspire us and can show us that we are capable of top performance. In addition, sporting activities allow us to get in touch with the community and exchange ideas. JULABO therefore sees the promotion of sport in the region as a key means of practicing social responsibility. Through various types of sponsorship, we support sporting events such as the well-known Sonnwendlauf in Seelbach or the activities of local sports clubs.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers without whom sport for the general public would be unthinkable.

The JULABO Foundation

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of JULABO GmbH, Managing Director Markus Juchheim established the JULABO Foundation, which focuses on promoting and supporting charitable organizations, associations and institutions in and around Seelbach. The JULABO Foundation is independent of the JULABO company. The JULABO Foundation's website provides information about its funding concept and projects currently being supported:

Code of Conduct

The principles set out in the Code of Conduct of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI), such as corruption and child labor, compliance with certain work standards, fair competition and an ecological responsibility apply for all business units of JULABO GmbH worldwide.

ZVEI’s Code of Conduct acts as a guideline in the industry, especially regarding working conditions, social and environmental compatibility, transparency, collaboration and dialog that is marked by trust.

JULABO GmbH will make every appropriate and reasonable effort to implement and apply the principles and values described in this CoC both now and in the future.


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