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Story Box-ID: 1120241

Beak Consultants GmbH Am St. Niclas Schacht 13 09599 Freiberg, Deutschland http://www.beak.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Dr. Andreas Barth +49 3731 781348

“MinProXT - Mineral Prospectivity & Exploration Targeting” Webinar 1st – 3rd November 2022

Official Announcement and Call for Abstracts

(PresseBox) (Freiberg, )
After its successful introduction and first hosting by Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) in 2021, the second edition of the “Mineral Prospectivity and Exploration Targeting (MinProXT)” webinar is being organized in 2022 by Beak Consultants GmbH in co-operation with Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) and Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT).

The MinProXT webinar is intended to be continued as yearly webinar with alternating hosting and organizing partners, in the following years, too. The webinar will take place in the first week of November 2022 as hybrid event from 1st to 3rd November 2022 – with the possibility to participate online as well as on-site in Freiberg/ Germany.

More information about the content of the MinProXT 2022 webinar can be found now on the webinar webpage under: www.minproxt.com

Registration to participate is free and available now on the webpage here: www.minproxt.com/registration

In addition, we herewith invite you to submit your extended abstract for consideration to be presented as oral presentation until end of August 2022 following the instructions under: www.minproxt.com/topics

The following two topics will be addressed in the MinProXT webinar:
  • Theme 1: Advances and recent development in the methods of 2D and 3D prospectivity mapping and geoscientific data analyses, and the associated limitations, uncertainties, and challenges.
  • Theme 2: Real-world utilization of the prospectivity maps in varied fields such as land-use assignments, infrastructure planning and others in addition to mineral deposit exploration.
MinProXT 2022 will features invited and non-invited talks by eminent scientists from the mineral exploration industry, research organizations and academic institutions. The primary objective of the webinar is to present ideas on the varied topics related to mineral prospectivity analyses and exploration targeting. The webinar aims to be a confluence point to foster open discussions and interaction between the predictive mapping research experts, the public sector organization executives, and the experienced professionals from the mining and mineral exploration industry.

MinProXT 2022 is supported by the following co-hosts: United States Geological Survey (USGS), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), University of New South Wales (UNSW), Geoscience Australia, and University of Western Australia (UWA) – Centre for Exploration Targeting, and Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg – Division for Economic Geology and Pertology.

MinProXT 2022 will be conducted in the frame of the GOLDENEYE project, which is co-funded by the European Commision through its Horizon2020 programme. More information about GoldenEye project can be found here: www.goldeneye-project.eu

Beak Consultants GmbH

Beak Consultants GmbH is a modern and fully integrated, innovative service enterprise. We offer our clients from both the private and public sectors, a broad range of planning, research and development services in the spheres of geosciences, environment and information technology.

We are committed to maintaining a highly trained and educated staff dedicated to understanding our clients needs and providing products and services appropriate to these needs. We do this through the provision of leading concepts in science and engineering coupled with modern IT technologies. Our committed staff of about 50 geologists, chemists, soil scientists, surveyors, geochemists, hydrogeologists, ecologists, landscape designers, computer scientists, mathematicians and cartographers work hand in hand towards the development of innovative solutions to the problems of our partners.

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