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Story Box-ID: 1239432

ClassiX Software GmbH Oehleckerring 11 22081 Hamburg, Deutschland http://www.classix.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Christine Garbers +49 40 530542942

classix revolutionizes warehouse management with intelligent software HESTIA

Efficient inventory control and optimized logistics processes

(PresseBox) (Hamburg, )
classix presents HESTIA, an intelligent AI-ready software solution for managing inventories and logistics processes. HESTIA offers sophisticated warehouse management and seamless integration with existing ERP systems or as a stand-alone solution.

HESTIA optimizes picking, packing, and shipping processes, supports the tracking of goods movements, and is scalable from small tool stores to large warehouses. The software replaces Excel inventory lists, offers free and controlled warehouse activity via mobile devices, and visualizes complex processes with a workflow engine. Real-time monitoring and precise material flow control are further advantages. The intuitive operation requires no training.

HESTIA offers companies advantages:
  • Increased efficiency: Reduces administrative effort and speeds up logistics processes.
  • Cost reduction: Avoids overstocking, optimizes storage capacities, and minimizes material movements.
  • High system availability: Fast adjustments keep the system up to date.
  • Easy integration: Seamless connection to ERP systems or as a stand-alone solution.
  • Digitalization: Promotes the digital transformation in logistics.
"HESTIA is the intelligent answer to modern warehousing," says Stefan Brenner, Managing Director of classix. "With HESTIA, companies digitize their logistics, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. We are convinced that HESTIA will make a significant contribution to optimizing inventory management."

HESTIA: https://hestia.classix.de/?mtm_campaign=logimat&mtm_kwd=pressebox

classix is a software company that develops intelligent solutions for the logistics industry. With HESTIA, classix sets new standards in inventory management.

ClassiX Software GmbH

The Hamburg-based company classix Software GmbH and its products are aimed at decision-makers, users, and developers. We help to build holistic, digital models of companies.

For classix.ai, it is no longer just a matter of developing functionality for functionality. classix asks the question of commonality to develop apps more efficiently.

Data should be better understood to make AI and natural language processing usable for companies.

The result of classix's research and development is a powerful and flexible CyberEnterprise® business OS. This means that IT can be used more quickly.

classix – a class of its own.

ClassiX Software GmbH
Oehleckerring 11
22419 Hamburg

Fon: +49 40-5305429-0
E-Mail: info@classix.de

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