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Story Box-ID: 950098

COMPAREX AG Blochstraße 1 04329 Leipzig, Deutschland http://www.comparex.de/
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Janine Hensen +49 341 2568171
Logo der Firma COMPAREX AG

COMPAREX announces brand change to SoftwareONE

Sub head: All COMPAREX units will go to market as SoftwareONE beginning April 1st

(PresseBox) (Stans, Switzerland, )
SoftwareONE, a global leading Platform, Solutions and Services company, announced that beginning today, April 1st , the COMPAREX units in the SoftwareONE Group will change their market branding. The affected entities, more than 35 in total, will be undergoing a rebranding process and start operating under the brand SoftwareONE in their markets.

The rebranding is part of an ongoing integration process following the acquisition of COMPAREX by SoftwareONE completed on February 1, 2019. As a combined company under a common brand name, SoftwareONE will further deepen its expertise in software and managed services, allowing the company to drive the digital transformation of its customers’ businesses, and be at the forefront of innovative cloud and technology solutions.

“In a complex business environment, we strive to make things simple for our customers. Simplicity starts with one name,” says Dieter Schlosser, CEO SoftwareONE. “By presenting all our entities within the Group under a single name in the nearly 90 countries we operate in, we highlight our truly global scale, while offering local support as a solutions and services provider: our people are where it matters most – by our customers’ sides.”

All contracts and agreements with customers and partners remain unchanged.


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SoftwareONE, a global leading Platform, Solutions and Services company, is modernizing the way organizations budget and optimize their global IT spend from on-premises to the cloud. SoftwareONE has the expertise to provide customers with the right advice on their technology roadmap towards the cloud or optimizing the business-outcome of a cloud-based landscape. The PyraCloud platform, applying machine learning, delivers the visibility, insight, automation and control customers demand to maximize their software investments. In tandem, our Software Lifecycle Management (SLM) services provide the methodology and framework to optimize the underlying IT infrastructure, accelerate cloud adoption and minimize compliance risk. Privately owned since 1985, with over 5,000 technology experts located across 80+ countries, SoftwareONE is one of the fastest growing technology solution providers in the world with elite partnerships with Microsoft, AWS, Adobe, IBM, VMware, Oracle, Citrix, Red Hat, Trend Micro and many more. To learn more about SoftwareONE, visit http://www.softwareone.com and connect with the company on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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