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Story Box-ID: 444816

Congree Language Technologies GmbH Tullastraße 62 76131 Karlsruhe, Deutschland http://www.congree.com
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Nicole Körber +49 451 8819912

Congree Signs Experienced Language Technology Expert

Ursula Reuther to use her expertise as account manager

(PresseBox) (Karlsbad, )
Congree Language Technologies GmbH has gained a new account manager: Ursula Reuther. For more than 25 years, the graduate translator for French and Spanish has been a scientific staff member of IAI in Saarbrucken, one of Congree's shareholders, in the field of language technology. For example, she participated in the development of the Controlled Language Authoring Tool (CLAT), which is marketed by Congree. An expert for machine processing of natural language, Ursula Reuther will mainly assist Congree in strengthening and developing the sales structure. Furthermore, she will serve as an interface to IAI, ensuring mutual knowledge transfer.

Owing to the many lectures she has already delivered at specialized events as well as her collaboration and project management in numerous national and international research projects, Ursula Reuther is considered an authority in the authoring assistance market. Her expertise mainly comprises the fields of formalization and standardization of language, i.e. the development of controlled language, terminology, and language checking software. At IAI, she played an active role in the development and implementation of language processing software, which she introduced to various renowned companies.

"I am really excited about the new challenges at Congree", says Ursula Reuther. "Authoring assistance is still a rather new discipline. My goal is to promote awareness to this subject and to increase the market visibility and reach of the Congree products with their unique functions."

Niko Henschen, CEO of Congree Language Technologies GmbH, adds: "We are happy to welcome someone as experienced as Ursula Reuther to our team. Her know-how and the experience she gained in projects for renowned companies like BMW, Siemens, and Heidelberger Druckmaschinen will contribute to an even stronger positioning of the Congree products on the market."

Congree Language Technologies GmbH

Congree Language Technologies GmbH was established in September 2010 as a joint venture. The shareholders are Across Systems GmbH and the Institute of the Society for the Promotion of Applied Information Sciences at the Saarland University (IAI).

As a solution provider, Congree bundles the shareholders' activities and expertise in the area of authoring assistance. Congree unifies the authoring memory, terminology, and rule-based quality and style control (CLAT technology of IAI) in integrated products that are characterized by excellent linguistics, support of all common editors, and optional real-time use directly while composing a text.

Congree delivers leading technologies for the formulation of consistent content, taking into account defined style rules and a uniform wording. Congree creates the prerequisite for a controlled language and puts professional authors in a position to create high-quality rule-compliant texts that are easy to translate more quickly and cost-effectively.


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