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Story Box-ID: 200633

Düsen-Schlick GmbH Hutstraße 4 96253 Untersiemau/Coburg, Deutschland http://www.duesen-schlick.de
Ansprechpartner:in Düsen-Schlick GmbH +49 9565 94810
Logo der Firma Düsen-Schlick GmbH
Düsen-Schlick GmbH

Atomising technologies press release, Düsen-Schlick Germany

Düsen-Schlick: Expertise in atomisation technology - Düsen-Schlick GmbH is again represented at the PowTech 2008

(PresseBox) (Untersiemau / Coburg, )
Expertise in atomisation technology

Düsen-Schlick GmbH is again represented at the PowTech 2008 this year. September 30-October 2, 2008, Nuremberg, Germany at hall 9/9 -360

Düsen-Schlick: Expertise in atomisation technology

Düsen-Schlick is one of the worldwide leading nozzle manufacturers, offering the entire range of services relating to the use of nozzles starting from research and development through to production and service, all from one source. Providing solutions without delay. Trend-setting patents, such as ABC technology, ensure the company's production success in the areas of pharmaceuticals, food as well as industry and plant construction.

Schlick precision nozzles meet the highest nozzle technology standards: Certified expertise in accordance with ISO 9001:2000, the exceptional vertical integration and the in-depth technical knowledge ensure that these standards are met. Düsen-Schlick is synonymous with cost-effectiveness in atomisation technology.

The ongoing quality assurance, such as the guaranteed availability warranty, allows for long-term process reliability. "The best solution for the individual requirement" is the company's guiding principle. Düsen-Schlick is the specialist in the development, manufacturing and selling of nozzle technology, regardless of whether it is individual components, small series or standard parts. Precision manufacturing along with development expertise guarantees the customers' success.

Düsen Schlick means 100% made in Germany. Thanks to the Schlick-plus services it provides its customers, the company is synonymous with first class service.

Schlick-Plus: Laboratory tests
Spray and laboratory tests guarantee that the special operating parameters of our customers are achieved exactly. The most up-to-date laser measurements determine, for example, the exact drop sizes, speeds and flow rate densities. Our technology is also available to our customers for their measurements.

Schlick-Plus: Test nozzles
Those who have problems need to find their own solutions. If it is necessary we can provide test nozzles in the first instance. Ultimately, we want the best possible and long-term problem solutions for our customers.

Schlick-Plus: Engineering
When it comes to new concepts or optimising equipment, into which nozzle technology is integrated, our employees bring their know-how for technology and engineering with them. In this way, we guarantee the most efficient solution for your area of application. Take advantage of our knowledge.

Schlick-Plus: Repair service / after-sales guarantee
With after-sales service, we incorporate, for example, the long-term after-sales guarantee of our products - for many decades. That means long-term process security for our customers. Furthermore, we repair nozzles or adapt them in accordance with your requirements. Düsen-Schlick is a surer partner - even in emergencies.

Schlick-Plus: On-site service
It is important to the people at Schlick to be there for the customers if they need it. It is not a theory to us that this can also mean immediate help on-site "at the end of the world". This is a living reality for us.

Schlick-Plus: Special commissions for individual and small series
As the leading nozzle manufacturer, high-quality standardised solutions are business-as-usual to us. Through our extreme vertical integration and our extensive know-how, we realise our motto of Living for Solutions. Special commissions and small series are viable for any demand. Even in the shortest of time scales.

Schlick-Plus: Documentation in accordance with customer wishes.
Clear and extensive documentation is necessary for the trouble-free production of equipment and their maintenance. On request, we can send you documentation, for example technical descriptions of nozzles (diagrams, flow rate diagrams, assembly instructions and operating instructions) and plant and material references. Even in different languages.

Düsen-Schlick GmbH is represented at the PowTech 2008. September 30-October 2, 2008, Nuremberg, Germany at hall 9/9 -360

Düsen-Schlick GmbH
Hutstraße 4
96253 Untersiemau / Coburg, Germany
Tel.: (0049) 95 65/94 81-0
Fax: (0049) 95 65/28 70

Düsen-Schlick GmbH

Die Düsen-Schlick GmbH zählt zu den weltweit führenden Düsenherstellern von Anfang an. Entwicklung, Produktion und Service aus einer Hand garantieren effiziente Lösungen . Richtungsweisende Patente wie die ABC-Technologie kennzeichnen den Erfolg. Die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Produkte und Dienstleistungen basiert auf dem persönlichen Kundenkontakt, der hohe Fertigungstiefe sowie einer durchgängigen Qualitätssicherung und der langfristigen Prozesssicherheit. Seit über 100 Jahren lebt Schlick den 100%-Made-in-Germany-Servicegedanken für seine Kunden nach dem Leitsatz: Living for Solutions.
Düsen-Schlick GmbH
Hutstraße 4
96253 Untersiemau / Coburg, Germany
Tel.: (49) 0 95 65/94 81-0
Fax: (49) 0 95 65/28 70

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