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Story Box-ID: 1089275

Franz Binder GmbH & Co. Elektrische Bauelemente KG Rötelstraße 27 74172 Neckarsulm, Deutschland http://www.binder-connector.de
Ansprechpartner:in Herr Patrick Heckler +49 7132 325448
Logo der Firma Franz Binder GmbH & Co. Elektrische Bauelemente KG
Franz Binder GmbH & Co. Elektrische Bauelemente KG

binder strengthens its international presence

David Phillips appointed new international sales director

(PresseBox) (Neckarsulm, )
binder is restructuring its sales management as of 1 January 2022. As international sales director, David Phillips will manage the global activities of the binder group in future. He will then take on responsibility for the nine international sales offices of the Neckarsulm-based family-run company.

binder, a leading manufacturer of industrial circular connectors, is further accelerating its internationalisation. The company will adapt its sales strategy to address customer needs and market challenges even more closely.

David Phillips, managing director of binder UK since 2009, will take up the position of international sales director as of 1 January 2022. The Briton is an experienced sales expert and managed binder UK in one of the group’s biggest markets with great success. His main priority will be to coordinate binder’s worldwide sales and pursue their strategic development.

‘My goal for the binder group is for us to better anticipate the potential of the market and to assign a key role to digitalisation. This will benefit our customers above all’, says Markus Binder, managing partner of the binder group.

As part of the restructuring of the sales management, Graham Ellis, with binder UK since 2009, will take on the position of sales director of the UK sales office. In addition, Jochen Luksch, with binder since 1987, will be responsible for sales activities in Germany as national sales director. The newly created ‘new business development’ department, headed by Michael Schroers, who has been with the company since 2013, will increase the focus on the customer-specific solutions of the binder group.

‘We are a successful family-run business. In order to remain so in future, we have decided to reorganise the company structure to become more contemporary, dynamic and international. It is my firm belief that we are taking a big step in the further development of our company with this strategic reorganisation’, says Markus Binder, looking with conviction toward the future.

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Franz Binder GmbH & Co. Elektrische Bauelemente KG

binder is a family-owned business that is shaped by traditional values. Based in Neckarsulm, Germany, it is one of the leading specialists in the area of circular connectors. binder has been synonymous with the highest quality since 1960. We work with 45 distribution partners on five continents and employ 1,800 staff worldwide. The binder group is comprised of the binder headquarters, 16 affiliated companies, two systems providers and an Innovation and Technology Centre.

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